Example sentences of "and [pron] 's [adj] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 And he 's worried that the pollution could spread .
2 A great deal of discussion will be generated and it 's certain that the bulk of the attributes will focus on relationships rather than on curriculum or administrative matters .
3 And it 's possible that the curious telephone conversation in the flat , with its reference to postponing something for a week , related to your time limit .
4 You read in magazines that even top models are often unhappy with their looks , and it 's true that the pressures on us mean we are never allowed to feel all right about ourselves .
5 " The judge asked how we could possibly do any more with the garden , and it 's true that the only way forward is by making small changes , which we like to do as it gives us so much enjoyment . "
6 And it 's significant that a strand of films showing how a group of individuals from different social backgrounds could be brought together by war and learn to forget their divisions , generally regarded as the supreme achievement of wartime ‘ realism ’ , was anticipated in Powell-Pressburger's One of our Aircraft is Missing ( 1941 ) , in which a bomber crew bales out over Holland and works its way home with help from the Dutch resistance .
7 That is one minute of poetry , and it 's obvious that the children are happy .
8 ‘ It 's not likely that many will ever be acquired in this , or any other country and it 's unlikely that the catfish would ever be very popular with fishkeepers . ’
9 And it 's important that the kind of story that we 're being told this morning , or to continue to be told , we are to continually hear and observing
10 There are products available that will remove the most stubborn of paint sprays and it 's likely that the local Public Works Depot will have a graffiti removal squad that can be called into action to remove any offensive spray paint .
11 Science is no more dead than any of its rivals , but flip through Omni , the most successful science glossy , and it 's clear that the appeal has changed .
12 Hustle the Safrane along some backroads and it 's clear that the adaptive damping is a major asset .
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