Example sentences of "and [pron] was [art] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been through hell , Rachel , believing you had the same problem as me , and I was the man you wanted to go to bed with but could n't stand personally . ’
2 Now tell me what is your name and where are you from , and who was the eagle you wanted to help ? ’
3 And who was the visitor she took in there the day he died ?
4 And she was the friend you meant ?
5 Cissie was the first to recover , and there was no doubt she would have chased him to the ends of Kingdom Come if Beth had n't thrust out an arm to stop her .
6 Demand for steel had slumped throughout Europe and there was no way we could sustain the industry at its existing size .
7 The two women watched her , but numbly as though she were behind glass and there was no way they could reach in to her .
8 Claudia trembled … she wanted him as much , but this was n't right ; Roman despised her , he thought she was taking Garry from his wife , and there was no way they could take this any further .
9 It all sounded so polite and formal , when what she really wanted was to put her arms around him and have him hold her , kiss her , tell her that he had forgiven her , but that would be like trying to turn the clock back , and there was no way they could do that .
10 They 're going for promotion and there was no way they were going to lose a 2-goal lead .
11 They were turning out raw youngsters last season in the Ulster league and there was no way they could survive .
12 He was right behind her and there was no way she could keep him out .
13 Tonight she was over-wrought , ragged from the tribulations of the day , and there was no way she could cope with any more of his side-swipes .
14 She was sure Dane would try to prevent her leaving , and there was no way she could ever hope to beat such a formidable opponent .
15 She was quite determined to get Rick there and there was no way she was going to give the ring to me .
16 But then she reminded herself that Miguel had entrusted her with his secret , and there was no way she could even explain her unhappiness to anyone .
17 And there was no way you could have done that three years ago .
18 I did n't have a recording of it with me , Mrs Thatcher was already on her feet and there was no way I could interrupt to reverse the decision .
19 Er , after I had my children my whole body sagged and I 'd lost a lot of weight and I could n't put it on and I was really skinny and there was no way I could eat , eat a lot and I still would n't put weight on so I started on the weight training and that does n't cost me money and now I 've started putting weight on , so for the skinny kids I think the thing is to do the weight training
20 It was my responsibility I brought that child into the world , and there was no way I was going to thrust her off onto other people .
21 Today I got away and there was no way I was going to let my lead slip .
22 I do n't like being proved wrong , and there was no way I was ever going to admit I 'd made a mistake .
23 Of course , he was n't making a living at all and there was no way he possibly could .
24 And there was no way he could be prevailed upon to release it without an embarrassing fracas in front of the judge !
25 But he had already performed in the horse box on the way to the fete — and there was no way he was going to do it again .
26 Mike , 55 and a veteran reporter of Vietnam , the Falklands , the Gulf and many other bloody wars , was encouraged by orphanage officials to smuggle a child back to England — and there was no way he could resist Natasha 's pleading brown eyes .
27 He felt he had done it absolutely as best he could and there was no way he could repeat the emotion .
28 Although he was a first offender and there was no suggestion he might try to escape , because of the nature of his offence the governor , Thomas Hayes , decided that Blake should be placed on the escape list . ’
29 And there was no waking you .
30 And there was a song I ca n't quite Ca n't quite remember it now .
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