Example sentences of "and [pron] get [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She come off the phone and she said , bloody hell she said that one of the rare times I go to the trouble of making myself butties for dinner , cos usually she gets a pasty or something , and I get invited out for dinner , you this Viv er , a friend of hers , you know the one that was having trouble with all that drainage underneath the
2 So I was close by and so they sent me in so the way I , I got dressed up in the minister 's cassock , and I got in revised the books of Genesis , like through and I get genned up to be a minister and I took in a bible and er well anyway I killed five men and they got out alive .
3 I sling a few carcasses to prowling cats , and I get told off for it .
4 So it 's unusual and I get told off for giving you a choice but what do you think ?
5 I was brought up in Albert Street near the Hibs ground , my whole family came from that area , my dad used to sneak into the ground at night to play football on the grass at Easter Road , and I got sent off in my own backyard .
6 I was eating my tea that afternoon — they would n't let me go too — and I got called over to the Centre [ the prison officers ' operational centre within the prison ] .
7 But er I did two or three hundred , four hundred , five hundred a day and I got fed up on it and I said to the gaffers one day , if you do n't change me from this job I 'm leaving , so they says oh we do n't want you to do that , best filer we 've had .
8 Gradually , from the toe , that was July , and I got paralysed up to my hips and er I had no relations or anybody there , but Toc H were very good .
9 And I got told off for it .
10 It was absolutely great and confirmed to everybody in the band that what I was doing was viable , and I got picked up by an agent right away — the same night , in fact . ’
11 Well I got trapped under er under one of the er rocks that f fell down and then managed to get that off me leg and went to give assistance to er the machine-man , the man on the machine which er trapped as well and er realized then that me leg had me leg was broken so took me down the end of the road and managed to get the stone off the lad and the machine and you got carried in to hospital .
12 When you plead guilty and you get sent in on remand , then you get treated like a sentenced prisoner , because you 're guilty .
13 But if you do n't mind this cinema verité approach to pornography and you get turned on by freaky-looking people , then the amateur video could introduce you to some interesting new bedtime pals .
14 There was a horse running round and we got held up with traffic .
15 And we get pissed off with Cumbria
16 ‘ Let's hope history sort of repeats itself , and we get promoted back in the year we come back home . ’
17 The tension was eased and they both laughed because they knew it was impossible , her getting tipsy and aggressive and him getting turned on by it .
18 But there were only soft , cold leaves remaining , and they got sucked in beneath her plate , to rest there clammily until she could get away to the bathroom .
19 There 's all this jelly stuff and they get fed up with that
20 They influence development , and they get passed on to future generations .
21 The teacher used to come in and take him and he got fed up of it 'cause he could n't get on with his other work .
22 ADO Thorpe said : ‘ It was an open lorry and he got thrown about in the back .
23 Yes and er my mother was frightened to death of guns because , oh he was a bit of a boy at heart I mean you can just imagine everybody used to bring the sporting guns to be repaired and there was guns floating about all over the place , and my mother was scared stiff of guns right till the time she died er , and he got mixed up with all these sporting connections you know like go off to shoots and various things and I think he did a bit of cock fighting in his day as well , but I 've , I 've got the exercise books that his two brothers .
24 and it gets sent out to all the representatives and all the shops .
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