Example sentences of "and [pron] be the [adj -est] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Consider this : only five per cent of the Rowett Research Institute ( of which Professor James is a director ) total activity is in the study of human nutrition , and we are the largest nutritional science institute in the world . ’
2 Prevention of infection is a major part of our response to HIV/AIDS and we are the largest independent provider of schools classes on AIDS .
3 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
4 The condition is associated with a high incidence of sudden death ( 2.5% per year in adults and 6% in children and adolescents ) , and it is the commonest recognised cause of sudden death in competitive athletes .
5 Fishing was Grimsby 's raison d'être as long ago as the thirteenth century , and it is the oldest chartered ( i.e. granted written rights and privileges by the king ) town in England .
6 This is ultra running and it is the latest athletic challenge to hit Britain .
7 Is it possible to improve off road driving and what are the biggest possible tyres ?
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