Example sentences of "and [pron] have n't [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was already feeling depressed about having to diet and I had n't heard of yours .
2 And er we were quite fortunate in this cos I went , had to go to a meeting in Sheffield and I had n't realized in advance but at this meeting the people at the meeting were asked to give recommendations as to what priorities should be given in terms of awarding the bids .
3 And I had n't thought of the blessed man in the last two hours — at least barely thought .
4 It was two thirty in the morning , and I had n't slept in days .
5 He came from Cambridge , and I have n't heard of her for a number of years .
6 That was three days ago , and I have n't heard from her since . ’
7 ‘ That 's over an hour and a half , and I have n't checked on her .
8 Erm having er decided that , let me ask you if you of what you 've seen so far , and I have n't gone into er whichever product er do you thing this is do you think you could erm get into the habit of selling advertising and earning fairly substantial commission .
9 I think the thing you have to say that as far as I 'm concerned , from what I 've see of her so far and I have n't worked with her in the field yet but far brighter spark in your department than that one we interviewed the other day
10 Firstly because I hate not working and I have n't worked as a club DJ for eight years , so this was a way back in .
11 And I have n't come across any notes from me to me , so obviously I 'm not going to go back into the past and leave anything for me to discover in the future , which is the present .
12 And I have n't put on much weight .
13 And then there were the the dose was reduced and then I had to come off them altogether and after twenty nine years of dieting unsuccessfully I gave up dieting and I have n't put on any weight since I gave up dieting !
14 Guess what , I bet that 'll be I have a beer yes I do and I have n't got ta wa I have n't got ta I 'm slipping over to I ai n't up the road .
15 One is secret and compartmented , and another is sort of boyish and boastful , and it would be in character for him to say , I wo n't be here tomorrow , I will be down south , and then for him to say , Yes , it was a quick trip and I flew all night and I came back and I have n't slept for 48 hours , always complaining about how busy he was and how terribly overworked .
16 And I have n't thought like that really
17 The kidnappers have given us until October the eleventh to deliver the document and I have n't despaired of finding it before then .
18 Cobalt said irritably : ‘ I have n't been aiming to get you killed and I have n't discussed with anyone what you 've found out . ’
19 If you 're a dinghy sailor and you have n't lived on a cruiser before , do a ‘ Brush-Up ’ course , either in Falmouth ( p46 ) , or on Villa-Flotilla ( p8 ) , to learn about anchors and engines .
20 Letting someone who is hungry and overweight , and who has n't eaten for six hours , loose in a supermarket should be a criminal offence !
21 It was quite a car and who has n't dreamed of being a repo man ?
22 He 'd not offered to help her with the Christmas preparations and she had n't felt like asking him .
23 Soon it would begin to grow dark , and she had n't seen to the house yet .
24 It was now the second week in January and she had n't spoken to him since the night of the Christmas dance .
25 And she had n't died in her own bed .
26 The government feels it can rely on er auditors to protect the interests of share holders and the creditors and the other stake holders but I have to tell the minister that that reliance which is now er strengthened by the regulations b by the er the order today has always proved er inadequate in the er in in the past er because poor auditing practices always get covered up , there 's no way for anybody to know how bad or how good er the audit is as long as a company er survives and we have n't developed in this country , the proper institutional framework to regulate auditors er effectively and to actually make them er er accountable .
27 ‘ We 've been planning a family for a while but I would n't be surprised if the baby 's born and we have n't decided on a name , ’ she says .
28 They 're still pestering me , sending me letters and we have n't heard from you recently
29 This is Lawrence 's , er Lawrence seven overs , nought to thirty-four and we have n't seen from Lewis yet .
30 You have to remember them , it 's nice to be back and we have n't changed at all , but you do remember those that did n't come back .
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