Example sentences of "and [pron] have [adv] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 I believe that support this and I 've already seen in my own district to traffic calming which never previously existed .
2 I was made redundant less than a year after I became a Sheffield city councillor , and I 've never believed in those sorts of coincidences .
3 For a radio interview , I 'd do my own homework , and I 've always believed in doing it thoroughly .
4 Erm , and i i , I think people quite often feel very bad when they try to stop smoking , I I ha , used to smoke about forty a day and I 've now succeeded in stopped for about four years , but I know that I did have several failures and whe when when you try to stop and and fail you feel extremely bad and low and depressed about yourself , and people probably need quite a lot of support .
5 And er we were quite fortunate in this cos I went , had to go to a meeting in Sheffield and I had n't realized in advance but at this meeting the people at the meeting were asked to give recommendations as to what priorities should be given in terms of awarding the bids .
6 It was two thirty in the morning , and I had n't slept in days .
7 Yes , and I have even added in a few pictures which have never been seen before .
8 It 's always been a Dark Force , and you 've only succeeded in harnessing a minuscule aspect of it .
9 ‘ Well , now that I 'm here and you 've apparently succeeded in your nasty little ploy , where do I sleep ? ’
10 And you 've always lived in Stromness ?
11 Matthew Cooper , for example , got there on only one game , a 23-points feast against Ireland at Athletic Park , and at the expense of his older brother Greg who played the four earlier tests and who had long prospered in Mains ' Otago side .
12 And she had n't died in her own bed .
13 We are a close family and she has always stayed in touch .
14 And we 've already discovered in the last six months by discreet calls because of something we 've seen a bit funny in er er in er references that have come back or people have been down right honest and said , Sorry er this guy was last time I spoke with him .
15 The fact that both these forms of aphasia are frequently observed suggests that there are separate systems for perceiving and producing speech ; and we have already seen in Chapter 6 that research on normal subjects suggests the same conclusion .
16 The government feels it can rely on er auditors to protect the interests of share holders and the creditors and the other stake holders but I have to tell the minister that that reliance which is now er strengthened by the regulations b by the er the order today has always proved er inadequate in the er in in the past er because poor auditing practices always get covered up , there 's no way for anybody to know how bad or how good er the audit is as long as a company er survives and we have n't developed in this country , the proper institutional framework to regulate auditors er effectively and to actually make them er er accountable .
17 This was a difficult decision , but since we moved back God has been very gracious , and we have all settled in really easily .
18 Secondly Chairman I would like to draw the Councillors ' attention to the fact that I 'm this years representative on the South East Waste Regulation Advisory Committee and we have indeed got in hand a project which is to look at the whole of the recycling and the priorities for the South East region and I would imagine that by the time our officers have reported back to this Authority that they will have an advantage of having access to that report .
19 That 's a swizz that one , you get to the end and they 've not got in the pool
20 But of course Stephen knows him much better , he was at college with him , and they 've always kept in touch , in a fairly loose sort of way .
21 For example in the case of the airline employees the revenue had sought to tax concessionary travel on the average cost basis but their claim had failed before the commissioners and they had not persisted in that claim .
22 And this Mr was so taken aback , by me going in and asking for a job , and they 'd always advertised in the paper before , that he said , Well , she must want work if she 's gone after it .
23 Cos if it 's been advertised and they have n't put in a claim the executors are safe to distribute the estate .
24 So if people would like to er sponsor you and they have n't got in touch with you , can they get you at the fire station — how do they get in touch with you ?
25 It had been five hours since he 'd got home , and he had n't slept in that time .
26 Dunlop appeared to be catching Moodie and he had already put in that record lap of 115.62mph on lap three , but Moodie always had matters well in hand .
27 The grounds were essentially those of suitability : Philip was French ; he was eighteen years older than his English rival ( then aged only fifteen ) ; and he had always lived in France .
28 I love very polished and dressed looking hair and he has always worked in that way ’ .
29 Kelly 's clumsy handling of the affair has done immense damage to the authority of his own office and he has only succeeded in attracting more attention to the ineptitude with which football is run .
30 Its articulation is easier and hence its flexibility is greater than that of the trumpet , but its proper place is the brass or wind band and it has not succeeded in establishing itself permanently in the orchestra .
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