Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He came round the desks and I kicked him in the back of his legs to get him to the floor and I used my shirt to put out the flames and Hazel gave him first aid . ’
2 I was out at a friend 's house , we were opening a bottle of beer , the top had jammed , and I stuck it in the heel of the door to get the top off , and it exploded , I suppose it was too shaken up with everyone handling it .
3 So I took the envelope off those tickets and I tore that up and wrote down and I stuck it in the water heater that the sitting room fire may be on , please check .
4 Cantona , who flew to Paris for the top-rated chat show Sacree Soiree after his United debut in Lisbon on Tuesday , added : ‘ I am fit and I enjoyed myself in the opener against Benfica .
5 Chairman , ye , yes it is a recurring theme of the district auditor an , and I told him in the past , that erm , where this council has a policy that they would support village schools and keep them open wherever possible , erm , that that , that , that decision had been discussed , and er , I , I have to remind that I did remind the district auditor that he does n't have to get elected every four years , as some of us do , and er , those in rural areas know very well that that is the way not to get elected , to be talking about shutting village schools .
6 My parents and I saw her in the school play and they thought she was so wonderful that they invited her to lunch — to make me see what I could be if I did it right .
7 I 've been talking to some of them about it , it 's meant to be , cos I did n't know it was going on , and I saw them in the paper , says oh !
8 And I saw him in a month , and he took the bandage off and me arm flopped of course .
9 Cos Michael started it , he said we 're never said anything when we set off in the car , and then he said that he 'd had this fax from me and er Andrew said , well it was n't actually from , er , from me to the , it was fetched up to me and I sent it in the office .
10 Fred Titmus bowled the right sort of ball and I smashed it in the direction of the pavilion .
11 And I shut her in the coal
12 He went out in the rain and I put 'im in the oven to dry ! ’
13 ‘ It takes , they say , seven years to make an electrician ; and I did it in a fortnight . ’
14 And if some , er , jus it was very thin slices of beef , topside of well I thought I 'll get some beef out , and I did it in the microwave and it cooked but it was it was quite tough .
15 Finally , one day a boy called Charlie bawled out , ‘ Nigger ! ’ at me and I chased him in a fury .
16 Gareth took a step or two after them and I called him in an explosive croak , ‘ Gareth , ’ and he stopped and turned immediately and came back , bending down .
17 She barked back , the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in a roomful of dames all with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand .
18 I 'd been playing slide for years and I found myself in a blues band .
19 and I found myself in a bare street .
20 The chair was comfortable but low and I found myself in the disconcerting position of having to look up at him while we spoke .
21 The WAAF suddenly wound the chair back and I found myself in the semi-prone position with the white bulk looming over me .
22 Er and when it progressed to automatic tools , all these tools were kept in a store at night , and you collected them in the morning when you went back onto the job .
23 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
24 If the parka also has USS Ticondcroga printed across the left breast and you won it in a backgammon game on San Francisco 's Pier 39 , then you have enough kudos to carry it off .
25 I think it went like that before and you fixed it in the
26 And who did it in the end , who 's doing it ?
27 Her head came up and she looked him in the eye .
28 and she had it in a sort of
29 And she left it in the boot ?
30 To her , religion was morality and appearance , and she kept it in the same compartment of her mind as her dinner napkins .
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