Example sentences of "and [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 And I firmly believe in giving notes to others to ensure that the standard set on the first night is maintained . ’
2 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
3 I 'm amazed that Lollo and I never thought of using the Trans Vox : it translates almost any language into our language .
4 ‘ At the same time , there was one other bit of me that was very practical that realized that the only money to be made if you were to stay in England — and I never thought of going anywhere else — was to get into commercials , and I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny .
5 And I really feel like going back putting my feet up and chatting to you a bit more because we have n't chatted enough have we ?
6 BRAVO to the French both for their ban on smoking in public and their softly-softly approach to imposing it .
7 And she finally ends by saying , ‘ All I can look forward to now is the toneless drone of the master 's voice and the pendulum swing of his leg over the desk . ’
8 She was an adventuress and she soon turned to ferrying .
9 To begin with er I could n't find the light switch because my , my gaze was directed er at the people in the bed but then er I asked the man in the bed , where was the light switch and er he helped me back towards the area where the switch was and we eventually succeeded in getting the light on .
10 Then Marie 'll put a record on , or sometimes the radio , and we just sit about chatting .
11 We are yeah we had video at number three about three or four years back , and we thought that was great and we never dreamed of going any further up the charts you know so it 's great that this one 's gone to number one .
12 The authors are very understanding of the ‘ formula-shy , and they even help by providing the sequence of key punches on a pocket calculator .
13 For instance , many children when they draw a house for the first time will do their utmost to draw the four sides and the roof of the building all in one drawing , and they generally succeed in portraying three sides and the roof of the house , all laid out flat .
14 Other ZNF proteins have been shown to bind DNA at specific promoter sites ( 40,41 ) , and they probably act by regulating gene activity ( 42-44 ) .
15 But , in the aggregate , they are unable to increase their holdings of bonds and they only succeed in driving up the price of bonds .
16 And they always seem to changing that as well you see !
17 Indeed , the more they reflected on it , the better it appeared , and they quickly passed from affecting forgetfulness to unaffected obduracy .
18 The touring side have been playing their opening three day fixture against Worcestershire — and they quickly settled into winning rhythm.Bob Hall reports .
19 At no other time has he had hallucinations of sight and they entirely disappeared after sleeping .
20 And he never thought of remarrying ? ’
21 He 'd missed out on all that because of the war , and he never tired of dropping references to ‘ noughth week ’ and ‘ encaenia ’ and ‘ schools ’ and May Balls .
22 ‘ Progressive ’ educational sentiments also provided important elements in Baden-Powell 's Boy Scout philosophy , and he never tired of criticising what he saw as the dulling conformity and uninspired education provided by the State .
23 A major part of the mystery was that as I have said O sat on Madame 's right hand all night every night ; and he never left without kissing her goodnight , formally , on the cheek .
24 It was a clever wheeze , great fun to work , and it probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat .
25 It was unnaturally neat , and it carefully refrained from revealing any signs of individuality .
26 Over-ruddering causes extra drag and an extra loss of height or speed , and it often leads to stalling in the turn .
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