Example sentences of "and [pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I just could n't believe it , it was , er , I just felt very very happy and I just break into tears , I just start crying , and I think it 's tremendous , erm news , I just want to see him safe home .
2 Some things were revived and rewritten from Sugar and Spite but Esther and I both wrote like maniacs , together , separately , new stuff .
3 My husband and I both suffer from migraines and we have identical symptoms : sickness , blurred vision , sensitivity to loud noises and a banging headache .
4 I never did anything and I never played with children when I was a child because I did n't want to play with peasants on the estate , so I never did anything except sketching , painting and reading , and I 'm still doing pretty well exactly the same thing , and learning languages .
5 God knows why , because I was n't entertaining and I never went in pubs , but it seemed a good idea at the time .
6 and you soon get in arrears you know !
7 People who eat large quantities of such foods , and who also live in regions where nitrate levels in water are high — such as East Anglia — are most likely to be taking in nitrates above EC safety levels .
8 His relations with her were formal and wary , and she clearly looked on painters as a necessary evil for her husband 's livelihood .
9 And she promptly burst into tears , throwing her soiled apron over her head to hide .
10 We broke nuts and bones with rocks , and we even fished for termites with sticks , the way chimps do . ’
11 This does n't come automatically to a dyslexic person very often , and we also look at letters from left to right , but if you look at a u and then turn it upside down in your mind , you have an n , or h and y can be reversed to turn into each other , if you like , in the same way .
12 The group meets four times a week ; in addition we have individual counselling sessions and we also meet with couples .
13 The building was always damp , cold and we always suffered from chilblains in winter … ’
14 The Lord Chamberlain was a very important man , close to the Queen , and we often put on plays for the Queen 's court , and in the houses of the great lords of England .
15 We are given some financial support from the government but this doe snot cover all our costs and we therefore depend on gifts from trusts , companies and individuals .
16 This is a very old trick , and one often used by journalists .
17 And they also lead to synapses that can no longer function without the drug .
18 The semantic characteristics of adults talking to children are that adults talk about objects and events in their immediate surroundings and they frequently focus on topics identified in the child 's talk .
19 Dykes are vertically discordant intrusions often composed of dolerite and they frequently exist in swarms .
20 Apart from cartoons aimed at entertaining children , they are also used in educational programmes for children and sometimes for adults and they frequently feature in advertisements .
21 One feels sorry for the little ones in some circumstances and they nearly become like children — but not quite .
22 They swam then , and Damian made love to her in the hot sea , stripping her as they floated together , wrapping their bodies around each other in unreasoning desire , kissing saltily as their hoarse cries filled the air and they nearly sank like stones as Damian went rigid with pleasure , his fingers biting into her nude body in the warm water .
23 They had the same friends , and they often met at parties .
24 The argument runs like this : at any particular time people apprehend natural material circumstances through their ideas , and they therefore act in terms of these ideas , beliefs , and values .
25 It nearly killed them to acknowledge my existence and they only spoke in monosyllables when I was present , but the babble of sound which broke out every time I went out and closed the door behind me was enough to make me want to go rushing straight to Miss Malley to beg her to send me back to my friends .
26 Apart from identifying me as a Leeds supporter , the quality is normally a LOT better than your average socks etc , I have socks which I still wear going back 6–7 years , and they still feel like socks !
27 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
28 This was not easy , and they unavoidably sounded like lawyers arguing a case .
29 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
30 I would n't have opened up if I 'd known ; they 're a thieving bunch and they usually work in pairs .
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