Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun pl] [verb] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In pursuing their war with Iraq the United States and its allies seem to have made the traditional error of interpreting Middle East politics with a map in hand .
2 Though an experienced skier , Pat and her friends had got caught in a blizzard and were making their way to shelter when Pat 's skis plunged into deep snow .
3 But she was smaller now , and her shoulders had become bent , her hair thin and wispy .
4 The promised War Risk Compensation Scheme did not appear until 19 February 1915 and their Lordships seemed to have forgotten altogether that under the Merchant Shipping Act the moment a ship became a total wreck , from whatever cause , the wages of its crew ceased to be paid , leaving both sailors and their dependents in " an unenviable position " .
5 They and their forces seemed to have vanished from Ralarth .
6 United had 11 players on World Cup duty in midweek and their travels looked to have knocked the stuffing out of them .
7 Nevertheless the third party and his advisers seem to have acted as if such a direction had been given , for a document expressed to be a defence and counterclaim of the third party has been served .
8 I see that what Durkheim and his pals feared has come to pass : our century has turned humanity into a commodity .
9 Technically , the methods which Dale and his colleagues used had become archaic , as Dale ( who lived to the age of 93 in full intellectual vigour ) well knew .
10 Captain Lawton and his men seem to have had a fairly trouble-free time of it , because all 15 of them were duly discharged back in London after the seven-month voyage .
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