Example sentences of "and [pron] [modal v] [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Patting the chair beside him , he told Daisy , ‘ If Perdita gets the scholarship , Sukey and I may well be going out to New Zealand at the same time to buy some ponies , so we can keep an eye on her . ’
2 He 's from the Chipping Norton anti-gipsy campaign , and I 'll also be talking with Henry from Standlake about his views on gipsies out there in that village .
3 And I 'll soon be doing a drama series for Radio 4 which is set here . ’
4 If it helps , I 'm reputed to look like the big-nosed frog we love to hate , and I 'll probably be wearing my yobby green bomber jacket , or my blue one with WEST VIRGINIA on the back in letters that are visible from Leeds .
5 And I 'll obviously be corrected on that if I 'm er I 'm getting an an affirmative nod from Mr Potter .
6 If I showed the slightest sign of taking sides about Bodyline , or suggesting that it was a threat to cricket , my reports would be censored and I would probably be replaced .
7 Ex-King 's Cup player Robin Drysdale echoed the sentiments of many , at the conclusion of his first Series event at his club in Bracknell , when he said ‘ these events are terrific for the kids and I shall definitely be running one again next year . ’
8 I shall never die and I shall never be released , and henceforth I shall wander alone in the eternal light …
9 Instead of going to parties , I 'd be out at night looking at badgers , and I 'd always be scheming to go off birdwatching or botanising .
10 I enjoyed the Midland Bank Championships despite its smaller field , and I will certainly be returning next year .
11 And I can hardly be expected to leave my three-year-old brother here in the care of a strange man . ’
12 If I go to a match in Europe , I come back to a stack of videos and I can hardly be bothered .
13 It therefore seems probable that what the early personality studies of living creative subjects had revealed was their tendency to the schizoidness of which Bleuler writes , and which would now be referred to as ‘ schizotypy ’ .
14 The emphasis with the old , as with any other age-group , should be on prevention before the need for cure arises , and some elderly people suffer quite unnecessarily from the ‘ silent ’ types of illness which show no dramatic symptoms in their early stages ( such as anaemia ) , and which might well be diagnosed if they visited their doctor at six-monthly intervals when feeling at all ‘ off colour ’ .
15 It was agreed that systematic use should be made of the words ‘ safety ’ , ‘ security ’ ( a word Labour was believed to be fond of and which might therefore be turned to advantage ) , and ‘ support ’ .
16 Here we are concerned with the basic principles , on which all else depends and which may eventually be applied to longer movements as well as to short sections .
17 In the widest sense , a survey consists of a number of organizational steps which need not occur in the order given below , which may often need to be retraced and which must usually be related to a preceding sequence of research or to comparable contemporaneous studies .
18 All the creatures that we have to kill and eat , all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves , have souls , like we have , souls that do not perish with the body , and which must therefore be propitiated lest they should avenge themselves on us for taking away their bodies ( see Rasmussen , 1929 ) .
19 Technology is , however , not a neutral ‘ thing ’ that arises out of disinterested scientific inquiry and which must then be accommodated , responded to , decided about in the society .
20 Pilots ' helmets with miniature built-in video screens may not have obvious applications in hotels and restaurants , but there are several defence-led developments which do , and which will increasingly be seen around the industry .
21 Private income from which income tax has not been deducted and which will therefore be assessed by the Inland Revenue :
22 And erm the work that you 're asked to do the prop the word for it I mean we use wh wh really what I 'm t teaching you now is the vocabulary that is used and which will actually be used during the service .
23 Another group which can be isolated and excluded is that of the fortified posts ( burgi ) along Watling Street from Uxacona ( Red Hill ) to Bannaventa and which will possibly be extended eventually to the south-east .
24 This conflict , it would seem , has come about because , broadly speaking , the human race has divided in its response to the vital choice that has been introduced in the foregoing paragraphs , and which can best be summarised as being between the following two major propositions .
25 There are several plastic tracks available , varying in strength , which are suitable for straight runs and which can also be bent successfully round bays .
26 It is maintained here that the constitution is nothing more nor less than the outgrowth of the ‘ realities ’ and not , as Lord Sankey and many others of us tend to assume , something distinct from them and which can therefore be contrasted to them .
27 Surrounded as we are by solutions of all kinds , each one supported by persuasive evidence of attested success , we can not but be tempted into the belief that somewhere among them there will be one which matches our particular teaching problem and which can therefore be slotted into our situation like a cassette or a computer programme .
28 Interestingly , the two clerks are first introduced to us as " " testif " " , " testy " , " headstrong " , a French-derived adjective with horsy connotations of its own and which can indeed be used of horses in French .
29 There are more than 350 lots , which were on view at Sotheby 's in New Bond Street , London , earlier this month and which can still be seen today and tomorrow at the Assembly Rooms before the sale begins .
30 We must find a simple picture-drawing rule that the computer can easily obey , and which can then be made to vary under the influence of " genes ' .
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