Example sentences of "and [pron] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 And I ca n't think that you 'd come round at this time of day just for a chat . "
2 Someone must have sent the papers and I ca n't see that the corporals did it .
3 And I ca n't see that what she said to me is any of your business . ’
4 and things , job families er , we 've got that already and we 've got , there 's gon na be the computer thing on careers but you see we 've only managed this year to get it brought down from year eleven , somebody who went into this , keeping it very close to myself , to bring it down to year ten they 're actually you know , it 's very , very difficult to let them remove it and I ca n't see that you can then make that down to ninth year just yet .
5 yeah , I think it 's an organ , and that , that is all in those two recesses , now , you know if I find you know that I do n't get anywhere and I ca n't see that I wo n't , but if , because the bathroom is where the dog is there , of course consequently that comes through the corner of the lounge
6 She is amazed at the attitude of the people she meets : ‘ I thought people would be cold and uninterested , and I ca n't believe that everyone cares so much about us . ’
7 If you can manage to get one photo of a gunmen in all that crowd , how many more were there they did n't get a photo of you know , erm , so that 's bull shit for a start the said that they only fired upon identified targets , going on motorbikes , and erm , I mean the thing is , the para 's are a highly disciplined , highly trained apparently at a you were n't even allowed to go out there without at least five years experience yeah , they were soldiers , they need and I ca n't believe that they negligibly you know , cos there was women and children there , and nearly all of them had wives and kids , you know , and there was reports from like the Irish saying oh yeah , they were mixing body er , care and body people and fucking laughing and joking over dead bodies and my old man said yeah if you just , if you just seen something drop most people will laugh and joke about it , you know I do n't know if you 've ever meet this sort of , old man , but the service sort of a , a unique sense of they can laugh at anything , you know they can see somebody with its guts put out in front of them and they 'll fucking crack out about it , its the only way they can stop themselves cracking up , or fucking crying sort of thing .
8 But he 's so bitter , so filled with resentment , and I ca n't promise that I will ever be able to change that .
9 We were acting in good faith , of course , and I ca n't imagine that anyone is going to be difficult now she is gone .
10 ‘ She always says that on the court she is n't a mum for me and I ca n't imagine that she is n't my mum .
11 Well , I still ca n't imagine what his game is , and I ca n't say that I like it . ’
12 THWAITE hides itself away at the upper end of Swaledale as though it were trying to shelter from the rush and madness of twentieth-century life , and I ca n't say that I blame it .
13 It sounds to me as though your problem is medical rather than cosmetic and I would strongly recommend that you seek the advice of your G.P. There may be a simple remedy such as a special diet and vitamin supplements or perhaps he 'll refer you to a hair specialist .
14 And we believe we already offer that , I think the figures indicate that and therefore in the medium and the longer term I believe that our attractions will undoubtedly benefit and I would finally say that if you er , go back and look at the history of Disney in America , after the establishment of Disney Parks in America there was a big improvement in extension of the amusement parks in the rest of America which er , the traditional theme parks , so called , in America grew in the period after the establishment of Disney Land in California and I think a similar sort of thing is going to happen , not perhaps just in this country er , but also in Europe generally .
15 Of course you may get some probably some very good people a added , I do n't know wh wh wh they 'll be none of us knows , er they 're are going to nowhere that they 're going to get their expenses , they 're also going to get their allowances , I do n't know what those allowances will be er and I would n't assume that they 're necessarily going to lessen their independents because they receive allowances , but it is weakened , it is weakening the powers of the local institutions which are an essential part of our democratic society in this country .
16 I think if the committee did that then we 'd be back to what five or six years ago , when a whole afternoon was spent on that and I would n't commend that to you , but can we perhaps have a word with the officers at a later stage , take it on board what both Graham and Anne have been saying , and obviously not trying to do that in a meeting like this but try to prepare for it a month before-hand .
17 And I would n't say that that was an unreasonable charge .
18 And I would n't say that we were being fleeced , I mean I , I think we 've always been fleeced up to a certain point but they were always making a loss in the past and
19 As the Right Honourable Gentleman is aware , our top priority is to get inflation down , and I would also hope that he would be aware that the aim of doing that in the longer term has to be by making the price of money more expensive .
20 And I ca n't say I have the slightest sympathy for them , and I would also guess that you were one of those caught with their financial trousers down . ’
21 And I and I would also say that if if
22 Mr Chairman I believe I have the floor and I would also say that contrary to what we 've just been told there are people employed by what was called and three to four hundred people are employed , they 're not effected other than fifteen people , fifteen people were not effected by this statement and there are some hundred and eighty people who still work for and connected with the project .
23 And I would not feel that Kenneth would ge could get near to any one of us .
24 I would have thought that most things have been tried by now and I would not imagine that there are many other avenues to be followed .
25 And I would never say that to anyone who was unemployed but did n't want to be .
26 And I would always prefer that to the smooth and empty professionalism one so often encounters these days .
27 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
28 The first you asked again about , er , directors ' salaries er , or directors ' er er remuneration erm , and I would only say that all the directors are er bonuses are linked to earnings per share .
29 In Leicestershire we are trying to produce an agreed policy between each practice and cardiologist , and I would entirely agree that you can not give a blanket yes or no .
30 I would certainly I would certainly hope that men would become much less erm nervous and ashamed about expressing emotion erm and I would certainly hope that erm men learn as much as women do about erm how to look after children and how to bring them up , and I think there 's some evidence that that actually is happening .
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