Example sentences of "and [pron] [adv] had [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The longer you throw , the more , good boy , it 's so well hidden in the leaves , it 's exactly the same colour that 's the trouble this time of year , but no , life is a funny thing , and I find it personally very hard to believe that only two months ago , I mean what is it nine weeks ago , and I suddenly had an enormous view
2 Out of my 51 working years I spent seven of them with Ira Dilworth and I never had a finer friend to work with ; he was admired by all and his contribution to Canadian broadcasting was tremendous .
3 For example , if you bought some apples from a market stall and they were mostly bad and you already had a few apples at home and if , say , your bus had arrived , it might be perfectly legitimate to do absolutely nothing about the situation and avoid any discussion about it .
4 With him there you were never baulked ; you rarely got a clout from your opposite number and you never had the middle jumper leaning forward to nab your ball .
5 And , since the banks were now firmly closed until the end of the holiday , and she only had a small amount of currency in her purse , she had no way of being able to buy any new , cooler dresses .
6 ‘ It was pouring with rain and she only had a thin dress on . ’
7 mother and she only had the one daughter and the daughter got married and oh she had about oh ten or eleven children and they 're all running round in this back yard
8 Jessica had been born in India , as it happened , and she always had a sympathetic interest in Commonwealth affairs .
9 There was some of them billeted in private houses , and we just had a two r bedroom house out at Whale Park a Peedie bungalow .
10 There was an in house enthusiasm for the closure policy and we then had the quasi objective choice of hospitals exercise [ see Tables 4 and 5 ] .
11 And we really had a wonderful time doing it !
12 and they just had the flashing lights .
13 Their primary aim was to oppose positive images of lesbians and gays in education , and they soon had a high profile throughout Haringey .
14 His wife , Aunt Ann , was kept heavy with child most of the time , but she lost most of them and they only had the four .
15 Four of our six patients with active disease were on steroid therapy and they still had a greater absorption of PEGs than the patients in remission and controls .
16 He used to teach English in a comprehensive school and he probably had a rough time of it .
17 One had been given intramuscular ampicillin for a septic cord ; one had had a traumatic caesarean birth ; one had had a difficult birth with vacuum extraction and he also had a ventricular septal defect ; one had a heart murmur ; and one had been premature and in a special care unit with hypotonia and jaundice .
18 He won at Cookstown , Tandragee , Mid-Antrim and Carrowdore and he also had a large slice of wins in the South .
19 He obviously possessed great talents , though he perhaps thought more highly of them than did others ; and he also had a unique capacity for arousing antagonisms and hatred .
20 So the head of a major I ca n't think of the guy 's name and he just had a major acquisition and this guy was
21 And it only had the one door .
22 It was strained through sieves into stone water jars , and if the truth were told , it was probably not very alcoholic and it certainly had a short life .
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