Example sentences of "and [pron] [adv] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Terry , Brian and I also soon lost interest in monitoring it around the clock , although we 'd listen to programmes that sounded interesting , together with a couple of news bulletins a day and then VOA at night as Tom went off to sleep and the rest of us played cards .
2 Many of us — and I most certainly include Waterstones — are guilty of creating an atmosphere which , while relaxing and relevant to book purchasing by adults , proves to be boring and even intimidating for children .
3 I found I would eat as much of the unrestricted foods as I wanted and I still steadily lost weight .
4 And I so desperately wanted children .
5 From the time of the resurrection of handmade table ware in the United Kingdom to the present day , the booms in sales of craft ware follows closely the introductions of major technological changes and their ever increasingly felt effect on all aspects of life .
6 It is perfectly clear to me and fellow Councillors that a report which is so badly and which so badly uses statistics , can not be received because it is not of sufficient quality for this County Council and support the District Council to use it .
7 The silver water shatters under her feet , the child bounces as he rides on her breast , and she no longer hears Sycorax , only the pulse of the sea as it breaks in frills on the smooth and shiny sand , the splash of her stride and the drumming of her heart as she makes for the forest to the north , her back turned to the bay where the English ship rides at anchor , where the sea battle will take place .
8 How pleased Mama would be ! — and she no longer took things for granted as she once had .
9 She was to be in bed for three days at the doctor 's insistence and she never even saw Alain .
10 We are not used to long poems these days , and we no longer expect poetry to do the work of history , psychology and the novel , or to find ‘ the spirit of the age ’ expressed in poetic medium .
11 Each copy of the program carries a READ.ME file that includes information about how to contact the group , many of our committee members are actively involved in writing articles for the computer press and we also regularly take stand space at major events such as the EP Show and the Desktop Publishing exhibition .
12 On our particular line the main problem was trespassing : and we only once caught glimpse of a vandal .
13 I hate to tell you the D S S are on an economy campaign and they no longer issue envelopes .
14 Now policemen , we used to have to give these blessed people these tickets , and we used to have a book , and they just merely gave name , age , occupation , which was nearly always labourer , where , and they had to tell us where they came from and where they intended going to , and more often that was from Stowmarket to , or the other way round .
15 And he no longer took things at face value .
16 At this point his desire to embroider intervenes , and he somewhat patronisingly brings art into it .
17 And he very kindly shows Howard all over the house and garden .
18 It most expressly includes the churches and it most expressly includes schools to ensure there is no truancy .
19 And it just so happens pal
20 it was a great winner … his sixth of the season … and it just about booked Swindon a place in the promotion-play offs … with only four games to go it 's asking too much to make the top two but only a disaster can keep them out of the play-offs …
21 The nationalist opposition had split into competing factions in the years before the election , and it never effectively challenged Sobhuza 's rule thereafter .
22 Turbo-generators were added and it now also generates electricity .
23 And it now also supports Apple Computer Inc 's Data Access Manager as well as providing future compatibility and support for AppleScript .
24 My dad was n't a tall man and it only just covered Quigley 's enormous willy .
25 Well it 's tomato mosaic virus int it , erm but what really is significant about it is that the leaves are mottled with yellow and it quite often go fern like , they go very very thin .
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