Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [adv] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I used to go into a shop and I 'd shake and I 'd know that I was doing wrong and I 'd be really scared and I 'd just knew I do n't want to go to prison so I decide to stop it .
2 ‘ I have never known a patient wait for 10 hours for an ambulance for an inter-hospital transfer — and I hope never to know it again , ’ she said .
3 I 've been in the trade for 29 years and I 've never known it this bad .
4 The outside is the estate agents and I 've never known anybody give that up .
5 She seldom sounded Yorkshire and I had never known her to make a joke .
6 Otherwise I would have been sent back to my country and I do not know what would have happened to us . ’
7 ‘ On the point of breaking I think , and I do not know what to do .
8 I have known many who have competed in the Olympic Games and I do not know one who does not still cherish the memory and still treasure that thrill of competition at the highest level .
9 ‘ I have never been there , and I do not know who does ; but it is powerfully protected , ’ Ipuky said wearily .
10 I did not know the answer then , and I do not know it now .
11 Now I have been digressing and let me say quite clearly that I never knew the answer and I do not know it now , how the tremendously high level of morale was sustained , not just in the Pathfinders , but throughout the Command as a whole .
12 was meant to phone me back this morning when she 'd talked to her boss , but has n't , and I do n't know her work no. to chase her , but will let you know as soon as I hear !
13 And I do n't know which has nagged at me most , the lack of courage shown by this brave man in fending me off and declining to discuss what he had done , or my lack of courage in declining to write about it .
14 It 's very difficult , sometimes I can get butter from Denmark , or Holland or Ireland , and I do n't know which one to get , so I just do n't know how to go about it .
15 I dare n't sing — people who 've already booked might cancel their Access — and I do n't know which sketch would compress into the thirty-four seconds I 'll undoubtedly be granted .
16 Er I think she used to sing with a group and I think she 's gone on her own and I do n't know which one to go for .
17 Charles , her husband , jokes all the time about what I 'm wearing , insists that I join them for formal dinners late at night , and then teases me throughout them because I 've never eaten squid before , and I do n't know what haggis is made of .
18 But ever since the good men started to go down and get married and have families and I do n't know what … well , I do n't know what .
19 This owner called Judge , he got hold of me , promised me a motor car , a fur coat and I do n't know what .
20 I have n't seen her , as you know , since Daddy died , and I do n't know what she wants to do . ’
21 ‘ There 's something else and I do n't know what it is . ’
22 ‘ Something happened , and I do n't know what , and it 's what I 'm here to prevent . ’
23 And I do n't know what it is . ’
24 I feel as if my life is over , and I do n't know what to do .
25 They make rotten toilet paper , and I do n't know what else to do with them , and , oh Nick ’ — she suddenly sat heavily beside me on the bed — ‘ you 're a good man and sometimes I think how nice it would be to have a good man in my life again . ’
26 ‘ I have n't got a hand free and I do n't know what it 's about … ’
27 ‘ They beat him badly and I do n't know what to do . ’
28 ‘ We are both fighting in September and I do n't know what he 's got planned after that , but hopefully we 'll be meeting early next year .
29 Bassist Jennifer — 12 hours ' sleep in three days , we reckon — adding : ‘ I 'm having a really bad night tonight and I do n't know what it is , but the next person who smacks the mic or stands on our gear …
30 ‘ We passed by some mash and pie shops today , and I do n't know WHAT THE F— THAT IS , and I do n't care what it is either .
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