Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 The Sunday School sat in the North Aisle and everyone had to take the same seat week by week .
2 There are detectives and DCIs and Chief Supers and Commanders every fucking where ; more tecs and CID guys and Anti-Terrorism Squad chaps and regional guys than you can shake a nightstick at , all asking questions , all asking the same fucking questions and me trying to give the same fucking answers ; seeing DI McDunn , sucking saliva through his teeth and letting me share.his B&Hs , is like meeting an old pal even though he 's got all his questions too .
3 I 'd felt powerless when I was abused as a child and I 'd felt the same powerlessness with the bank manager .
4 Many 's the time I 've been with people whose eyes glazed over when I 've said I was a feminist and I 've done the same with people who say they love to play golf .
5 ‘ Look , if I live next door to an enemy and he has a knife , a gun and a machine gun and I 've got the same , I 'm not going to chuck mine before he chucks his .
6 resources and her own houses in America , and I 've got the same thing here .
7 I took on this franchise 2 years ago and I 've got the same amount of customers now as I had then .
8 Q. Blanket weed caused me tremendous problems in my Koi pond last summer , and I want to avoid the same thing happening this year .
9 Thus completed , he signed the form ‘ accepting and submitting himself to the statutes , rules , regulations and ordinances of McGill University and of the Faculty or Faculties in which I am registered , and to any amendments thereto which may be made while I am a student of the university and I promise to observe the same . ’
10 Forced to reply the following July to acknowledge a sum of fifty francs from Theo , he said grimly that he was writing ‘ with some reluctance ’ because ‘ you have become a total stranger to me , and I have become the same to you . ’
11 So I have to say that though I at this moment very close to this in the smallest county of England I have also had experience in three other major counties in mainland England er and I have found the same experience the difficulty of finding people who will even be councillors or magistrates , let alone these other jobs that the er that the er Home Secretary seeks to find .
12 I think its just an extreme form of friendship , you 've become extremely friendly with somebody and it can be kind , in love with your , with your girlfriend it do n't have to be in love with your boyfriend , you can have you know some body who 's a same sex and you 've got the same feelings towards them
13 And you 've got the same one .
14 It 's the monotony I do n't like — it 's repetitive and you have to do the same things each day .
15 With a traditional spreadsheet , if you 've got 5,000 product types , and you want to perform the same calculation on each — for instance subtract the costs from the sale price — you have to duplicate the formula 5,000 times .
16 And you propose to do the same ? ’
17 Talking to others whose judgement can be trusted , and who have weathered the same kind of changes , may be a help .
18 She was afraid to look round again , but the other housemaid was ready to carry soup bowls to the table and she had to do the same .
19 And she sits and she talks and she talks and she keeps repeating the same thing again .
20 And she has made the same promise to me that I made to my mum and dad . ’
21 And she wants to do the same things as us .
22 Right , what I want you to do , and we 've used the same two teams as we , we 've used last time .
23 So it 's a bit like counting and we keep getting the same counting numbers that we 're happy with .
24 I talked to the lady for some time and we seemed to like the same things , so I was pleased when their bid was the successful one .
25 I know s I 've chatted to some other people and they 've said the same so you 're not alone .
26 They 've got a different atomic weight , cos they 've got a different number of neutrons , but they got the same number of protons and they 've got the same pattern of electrons , and the pattern of those outer electrons is what decides its chemical properties .
27 Having publicly committed themselves to extending legislation to protect residents in small private residential care homes , the Government left it to a Back-Bench Member to bring in a Bill , and they have done the same thing again .
28 I do n't want you , she 'd said , and he had insisted the same .
29 Given this topic framework , J is constrained from talking about these things unless he introduces into the topic framework some additional information which he could then treat as shared by his hearer-that one of his brothers had gone to Australia to train as a brain surgeon and he considered doing the same , but settled for bricklaying instead .
30 Then he 's tried from the other side and he 's done the same from the other side .
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