Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Now there have been some allegations flying around that there are people in the parliamentary Labour Party who want to get rid of that link and I want to categorically say that there is no serious figure in the Labour Party who shares that opinion there 's no one in the G M B group who takes that view there 's no one in the Shadow Cabinet and what is more , I know from my own personal experience , and my dealings with him over thirty years , that there is no greater supporter of the trades union link than John Smith himself !
2 Noreen held her gaze and her arm round her then Carmella reached up and patted her hand and turned her head away again .
3 Fru Møller , loyal to her country in general and her corner of it particularly , assured the newcomer that in living memory it had hardly ever done so .
4 Nevertheless , it awoke an unexpected flood of tenderness towards him in her , because it made him so very human , this man of whom she had once been so deeply in awe and whose power over her still unnerved her when she reflected on the realities of their relationship .
5 The opinionated William Gilpin , although a native of Cumberland , was an apostle of this creed and his illustrations of his very successful Observations on the lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland ( 1780 ) display a dreary and unidentifiable geological mediocrity .
6 At that period , despite a postbag of film offers , Dustin tried to put his pregnant wife and his stepdaughter before everything else .
7 When you 're trying to custom fit each solo to the mood of the track , how much attention do you pay to the lyrical topic that Dave Mustaine is addressing , and his approach to it emotionally ?
8 They met , he insists , soon after , not before , he began presenting Dance Energy — ‘ I got talking to her and I liked that woman ’ — and his admiration for her today is obvious .
9 If Preston kept his eyes shut and his mind on something else , they occasionally achieved simultaneous orgasm , but it took energy , it took stamina .
10 If they can make us more aware of the Earth and our relationship with it then their study will have been worthwhile .
11 ‘ We 've our lust for each other and our disgust for everyone else . ’
12 But it depends what your buying for your two thousand pounds , if your buying happiness and your content with yourself then its surely money well spent
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