Example sentences of "and [verb] [Wh adv] [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 IT 'S NOT easy , in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington , to explain the importance of The Oval cricket ground in Kennington , yet such was my lot when in 1978 , shortly after my family and I had left South Africa following certain differences of opinion with our government , President Jimmy Carter kindly invited my in and asked why we had chosen Britain and not America as our country of refuge .
2 At Watford Gap , though , everything was fine , and a nice tea lady saw my shirt and asked how we 'd got on .
3 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
4 He frowned slightly and suddenly she longed to say something , to try and explain why she had acted the way she had .
5 The obituaries published in Britain , on the Continent and in America all acknowledged him as the originator of military precision dancing and reported how he had dominated a whole era of show business .
6 At this point you should go through the exercise on the senses and underline where you have used either a simile or a metaphor .
7 Last year , Thomas asked for a Mental Health Review Tribunal — and told how he had staged his madman act .
8 Dr Bellamy gave a spirited call for the preservation of an area he considers to be one of the top 10 botanical sites in the world and told how he had sat in the rainforest imagining he was a dinosaur .
9 At the Rabbit Grounds , everything was as I 'd left it — the buck lying strangled in the broken catapult , the sand kicked up and messed where I 'd gone crashing .
10 ‘ It 's no use me doing nothing now and wondering why we 've got a problem in March . ’
11 I was about to come down and see where you 'd got to . ’
12 I 'll have to , I 'll have to go home and see where she 's put it .
13 And anot in a careers officer 's view the other day , that seeing as though they 'd worked there twenty years ago , they wanted to go back and see how it had changed .
14 However , the builder may be expected to make some contribution towards travelling time and costs where he has failed to obtain suitable sub-contract labour within the vicinity of the site and a subcontractor is requested to travel an excessive distance .
15 And look where you 've ended up , this dump !
16 An act of defiance it had been , and look where it had got her .
17 Aggie , sitting looking into the fire , nodded as she thought : And aye , Mama took the only step left to her , and look where it 's got her .
18 And look where it 's got me .
19 Consider the seven signs of martyrhood listed above , and remember when you have experienced those thoughts and feelings .
20 ‘ Well I hope you 'll look out for yourself and remember how we 've brought you up ’ , Grace warned .
21 History is essentially to do with personal development in that it takes as the object of study the roots and origins of groups and those of individuals and examines how they have changed over time .
22 The ring had taken itself back to where it rightfully belonged , and Cassie hoped that when Johnny next visited the cottage , he would find it there and understand how it had come to be so .
23 Women on our courses who have both a boy and girl are now finding daughters rebelling and asking why they have to do everything when their brother does little or nothing .
24 He stayed immobile , trying desperately to identify where he was and to recall how he had got there .
25 We eventually found the car by good luck more than good management ; I wished we 'd had time to start from the top end and find how we 'd gone wrong .
26 If you have given birth , can you look back over the process and recognize how it has changed you ?
27 The Letter of 1027 reports that he visited Rome to pray for the redemption of his sins and the security of his subjects , and tells how he had negotiated with the pope a reduction in the sums paid by English archbishops when they went for the pallium .
28 Realising the vindictive nature of this man , and knowing how he had conditioned her husband since he was a child , Beth felt obliged to look out for the interests of those she loved .
29 Whilst dressing the models she tried to chat to them and ask how they had come by their jobs but they were not very forthcoming .
30 All at once he pictured again the sun striking the glass and understood why it had done so .
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