Example sentences of "and [verb] [that] it be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Governors considered the job description too vague and asked that it be made precise .
2 Its former owner , the late Audrey Barrie-Brown left it to the Roman Research Trust and asked that it be turned into an educational centre .
3 spends his day blending the malt and seeing that it is despatched correctly .
4 On Dec. 18 the UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 799 condemning the Israeli action and demanding that it be rescinded , but the Israeli Cabinet , meeting on Dec. 20 , reaffirmed its decision .
5 I 'd like to move a petition containing seven hundred and twelve signatures , residents of Broadstone who request the installation of a pedestrian crossing on Broadstone Lane , bottom end of Shakespeare Drive and propose that it is passed on to the environment committee for consideration .
6 Masters and Johnson ( 1966 ) investigated the causes of impotence in older men , and found that it is caused as much by anxiety about possible physiological change as by the ageing process itself .
7 She crossed to the door and found that it was unlocked .
8 … we attended at the School on Monday the 17th [ July , 1833 ] and found that it was divided into six classes , the first being composed of three boys only whose study was the Classics , the second of about 20 who were instructed in the Latin Grammar , and the remaining four classes were composed of boys whose education was confined to Reading , Writing , Arithmetic , and English Grammar , in which instruction the boys in the two senior classes also participated . "
9 They adjourned the case and directed that it be heard before a differently constituted bench of three justices .
10 ‘ If , therefore , for any unhappy reason , counsel for the defence is unable to accept the assumption which stems from the fact that a particular statement has not been made available to him by the prosecution , it would become counsel 's duty to invite the judge to exercise the discretionary power which is given to him by the proviso to section 18 of the Evidence Law , ( c. 118 [ J. ] ) , by examining the statement himself and directing that it be used in such manner as the justice of the case demands .
11 The job is what the individual makes it , and the onus is on the clinical teacher to explain her role and ensure that it is recognised by all .
12 If the Development Manager considers the change proposed has little or no impact on functionality , cost , or timescale when he should allow the incorporation of the change into the design and ensure that it is described in the design documentation .
13 The statute may impose a duty on an employer to provide safety equipment and ensure that it is used .
14 Be able to recognise that weight is a force , and know that it is measured in newtons .
15 According to Richard Feigen , ‘ It does the art dealing profession a lot of harm if they are perceived as traffickers of stolen merchandise … dealers have to be able to stand behind what they represent , and know that it was bought legally otherwise you lose your client 's trust ’ .
16 Fifteen years later in 1633 , James 's son Charles , who disliked the Puritans ' insistence upon sabbatarianism , reprinted the book and ordered that it be read in parish churches throughout the country .
17 Henry also felt able to authorize a new translation of the Bible and to insist that it be made available to the laity .
18 She treated coldly all attempts to dab the scent on her own sleeve , rejected any suggestion that it could suitably be tried out on Owen and Mahmoud , and insisted that it be tested on a woman , an assistant , perhaps , or , preferably , the shopkeeper 's wife , a suggestion which , with its hint of superiority , would have had shopkeepers in the more Westernized parts of the city grovelling but was treated simply commercially in the bazaar .
19 During the 1983 election , Mail journalists objected to the newspaper 's coverage of the Labour Party and demanded that it be given a fairer representation .
20 The EC 's Research Commissioner , Filippo Pandolfi , has attacked the European Commission 's current environment research and development programme as " wholly inadequate " , and demanded that it be increased by at least 25 per cent .
21 Mrs Crump expressed her gratitude with the eloquence of total silence but with a little look which , as Hope noted and saw that it was noted , signalled that she was pierced to the heart .
22 When its flapping had started to irritate me , I snatched it from him and saw that it was ruled like a timetable .
23 Any way that was it and you st and you f forked them all round and you after it was er up you was put up to do the tramping round and round and you Every forkful you took it and saw that it was laid down and tramped it round like this , round and round and round and then the next one , till it was up .
24 Both knights have to be bathed , shaved and properly clothed , and well looked after before they come to themselves , and Lancelot is ‘ sore ashamed ’ of his madness , and asks that it be kept from common knowledge .
25 If on the other hand you have access to a colour television set at the place where you are staying , you may be able to use this instead , provided that it can be tuned to your camcorder 's signal output and assuming that it is designed for use on the same television standard as the camcorder , eg UK PAL for machines sold in Great Britain ( see page 153 ) .
26 He showed me a speck on the map to the left of Hodges and said that it was named Banks Island , after Cook 's naturalist friend .
27 It is a bit much for the hon. Member for Gordon to show a report and to say that it was compiled by Labour-controlled Lothian regional council .
28 As heir to the droit morale and guardian of the Magritte estate , Charly Herscovici explained that ‘ Inheriting this intellectual property makes me responsible for protecting the artist and his work , and ensuring that it is handed down for posterity .
29 In an attempt to improve the effective provision of intelligence to decision makers , some companies , particularly in the USA , are experimenting with various ways of developing a process of gathering information , analysing and interpreting the information and ensuring that it is used effectively in the decision-making process .
30 2 Corporate commitment and planning : TQM requires a particular kind of strategic leadership which can provide the vision and commitment , plan for change and see that it is implemented ( Peters and Austin 1985 ) .
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