Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They cause no great problem to anybody , and what ought to happen is that the gipsies and certainly the tinkers ought to be encouraged to buy sites and develop them and police them themselves .
2 ‘ Finally on the seventh day , I thought that , being Catholic , they 'd rest , but still unfed and unwatered , each pony was blindfolded and tacked up , and Raimundo got on each one 's back , and whipped it and whipped it out into the pampas , until the pony 's spirit was completely broken , and it 'll never argue with man again .
3 So you can write down the delegation and photocopy it and give it to somebody .
4 What will her reaction be when she knows that her bright boy , while patting and stroking her and kissing her brow and her blue lips , must have been laughing up his sleeve at her , and thinking what a clever boy he is to be able to live in her fine house and have a big say in her business , while at the same time running a mistress on the side . ’
5 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
6 Cheap Mo cheap ’ and Magill came out from behind his flat-topped mahogany desk with a shout of laughter and hugged her and patted her bottom .
7 I will send you a copy before it actually goes off and read it and ring me aft if if there 's anything you do n't understand or you do n't agree with okay ?
8 The women would look up and congratulate me and encourage me to ‘ go on , go on , you can , you can ’ .
9 starts to wind fan fold paper and wind it and wind it and wind it
10 starts to wind fan fold paper and wind it and wind it and wind it
11 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
12 All these people were smacking her on the back , and touching her and congratulating her , and expressing surprise and delight .
13 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
14 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
15 I went up to the union and reported it and asked them to do something about it .
16 It was only a one-sided lock , which is completely and totally different to an ordinary lock er working both sides , you see what I mean and er I er I 'd got to er make a key , number thirty-nine just like that , see but I had it and I could find out what thirty-nine was and I could make them one and send it and knowing it would fit see and er when they had different people working there , you know staff , things like that , not a lot of orders but er somebody else come .
17 Pc Masheder chased and caught him and told him he was being arrested on suspicion of theft .
18 He put out his arms and caught her and held her , and they stood there on the gravel path in the grounds of Hilderbridge General Hospital , embraced as if they had long been lovers and had known each other with profound emotion and physical joy and had been parted only to meet again now , by chance , so felicitously .
19 I only want a bike because I want it and want it and want it . "
20 These evidently clean and warm them and retrieve them if they wander .
21 Anyway , I have no access to it , and have to cart metres of black metal piping back from the town and sweat and labour over it , bending it and cutting it and boring it and crimping it and bending it again , straining with it in the vice until the bench and shed creak with my efforts .
22 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
23 And the Old Bill came down and found them and nicked us , even after what they 'd said .
24 Then one afternoon Mrs Smith came in and found us and asked who I was .
25 How he 's supposed to tax and insure it and run it ? have said !
26 He wanted to drink it and touch it and explore it , for , he thought , surely there can be nothing so magical as the moment when you know , beyond all question , that the woman you desire desires you in return .
27 There are something like 50,000 individual genes providing the genetic blueprint for each individual , and our task is really to find out where each one is on human chromosomes and to isolate them and to characterise them .
28 I 'd find something as er pretty near to what I wanted , you know and I could perhaps , and did , use what 's called beeswax a lot , you know and er warm it up and ply it and put it onto er something to make it to what the shape I wanted , you know .
29 And afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down , of wanting him to hold her and kiss her and pet her like a little girl .
30 She kissed and blessed him and hugged him close , and it seemed to the uneasy watchers that she would after all change her mind .
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