Example sentences of "and [verb] [conj] i was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 My mum got home from work about 10.30 p.m. and asked if I was all right , but I told her that I thought it was a false alarm .
2 I fell in love with snooker when I was about fourteen , but when I got to about sixteen or seventeen , I started travelling around and playing in junior competitions and realized that I was very good .
3 I do not ever recall being quite as sick and shaken as I was then , about an hour and a half ago .
4 After I had finally collected my British passport from Petty France , I bought an Evening Standard and found that I was n't in the team .
5 Her mouth was everywhere , biting me and sucking my mouth and kissing me , and her fingers pinched and stroked her legs coiled round my legs until every bit of me was throbbing and burning and twitching and I was only conscious of never wanting it to stop .
6 After all , we were no ordinary family , but a clan : I was told by my mother always to hold my head up high , and remember that I was not only a MacLeod , but a double MacLeod — MacLeod being also her maiden name .
7 He glanced at the paint pot and brush that I was still holding .
8 I telephoned the next day , and the producer , having chatted with me awhile and ascertained that I was not a nutter ( I think ) , asked me to make a programme .
9 But by my late teens I had come to find this attitude repellent , and knew that I was never going to fulfil my parents ' expectations .
10 I wanted to scream and scream but I was too frightened .
11 I only had to shut my eyes and inhale and I was back in Russia .
12 By this time I had released both canoe and paddle as I was much more concerned about my own safety than anything else .
13 Slaven added : ‘ I was disappointed and hurt that I was not even on the bench .
14 Eventually , I came to my senses and accepted that I was not fit enough to train like a 2:10 marathoner .
15 For example , to Mrs Thrale he described the scene of this famed moment of quietude briefly — ‘ on a green bank , with a small stream running at my feet , in the midst of savage solitude , with Mountains before me , and on either hand covered with heath ’ — then commented , ‘ I looked round me , and wondered that I was not more affected , but the mind is not at all times equally ready to be put in motion . ’
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