Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moving into summer , he took advantage of the dry weather and lived more outdoors than in , drawing the same subjects repeatedly if they appealed to him , toiling incessantly in an effort to improve himself .
2 The Centre has its own library and conference rooms and has access to services for oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis and microsequencing as well as to powerful computer and database services .
3 Ramazzini described the symptoms of poisoning from the lead which was regularly used by house painters , plumbers , glaziers and potters as well as by the extremely short-lived wretches actually employed in lead works : " First their hands become palsied , then they become paralytic , spenetic , lethargic , cachectic and toothless , so that one rarely sees a potter whose face is not cadaverous and the colour of lead . "
4 Salaries were now arranged in a more systematic hierarchy and paid more regularly than in the past .
5 The study explores the priority Heads of Government have attached to publicity , and their attitudes to official secrecy and leaks as well as to the political accountability of news media .
6 Hotspur forgot his preoccupations for a moment , and looked more closely and with quickening affection at his friend .
7 The petrol burst into flame as it flew over the wick in the tiny steel cup , roared through the air and fell brightly on and around the two rabbits .
8 Then , putting it on and pulling the collar tight about her throat , she lit the candle that was standing in a holder on her bedside table , and went quietly out and along the corridor to the kitchen , through it and into the scullery , where they had a running tap above a shallow stone sink .
9 Piaget , however , asserts in the introduction to his work that ‘ We shall rather show that the acquisition of language is itself subordinated to the workings of a symbolic function which can be seen in the development of imitation and play as well as in that of verbal mechanisms ’ ( 1962 : 1–2 ; see Vygotsky 1978 for a contrary view ) .
10 New models can be developed and introduced much faster and with fewer disturbances to the production flow than in the more conventional systems used by the Americans and the Europeans .
11 But this peripheral vision processes input very fast , with visual information reaching the brain and mind more rapidly than from the binocular area .
12 Lowe was quick to learn the various practices of the law profession , and decided upon conveyancing — transferring property from one person to another by purchase , lease or deed — as that branch of the law where his deafness was less of a handicap , and did so well that in the Michaelmas Term of 1829 , he took the prescribed oaths publicly in the Temple Hall and emerged as a Barrister of the Middle Temple — a most unprecedented event which created a sensation in the profession .
13 His lace assumes a natural look he 's able to sit up and breathe more normally and for a time seems well My dear Dr Dunstaple , perhaps you could explain to us why , if the symptoms are caused , as you seem to believe , by damage to the lungs or by a poison circulating in the blood and depressing the action of the heart … why it 's possible that these symptoms should thus be suspended by an injection of warm water holding a little salt in solution ? "
14 ‘ The French mistletoe ( exactly the same species ) is cut earlier and dries out more because of the distance it comes , ’ he says .
15 This is undoubtedly a specialization which developed from the condition where there are many separate branchial openings as seen , for instance , in lampreys , anaspids , cephalaspids , galeaspids and thelodonts as well as in cephalochordates ( one likely sister group of craniates ) .
16 Service occupations are present in all sectors of the economy , in manufacturing and agricuIture as well as in the service sector , and refer to workers such as clerks , sales staff , cleaners , maintenance workers , accountants , lawyers and heaIth workers who are not directly employed in the production of material products .
17 It will assess the implications for the quality of service provision of different patterns of decision-making and planning both within and between the organizations involved .
18 The ironing , altering , re-tailoring had all been done against the clock and pushed through only because of the tyranny of Miss D'Arcy .
19 By invention I mean behaviour , values , beliefs , and so on , that come at out through ‘ internal ’ processes of thinking and working out rather than through imitating or mechanically responding to external stimuli .
20 Hercules was a strong , courageous hero who was known for his indulgence for food and drink as well as for his strength and heroic deeds .
21 Most of the federally owned land in the area is run by BLM , which has apportioned it for extensive commercial mining and ranching as well as for recreational use .
22 In fact most of our parents live in the area and work either there or in the City . ’
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