Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] be [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As a senior diplomat said last week : ‘ The people went out and found they were n't struck by lightning . ’
2 I opened it and found it was n't signed , so I signed it and used it .
3 Additionally , the activity will need to initiate data generating and checking processes internally to establish model boundaries and ensure they are not violated .
4 Sir John and Lady Beatrice vehemently objected to this , so Benjamin offered to supervise the soldiers and ensure it was not used as a pretext for theft or pillage .
5 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
6 One of the things that does strike me about er particularly heterosexual men and their attitudes to homosexual and y'know homo erotic activities , there 's y'know a lot of different aspects where y'know I do n't know rugby players all get in the shower together and smack each-other on the backside in the name of horse play and y'know it 's not considered threatening or erm or outrageous and yet sometimes these are the very people who are the most homophobic .
7 The number of peoples in the world who knew of these advantages and nevertheless persisted in rejecting them were few : to do so required a tenacity of purpose , an indifference to wealth and comfort which were not given to many .
8 It 's time to take some control of events and do what is not expected . ’
9 He has confessed to most of the charges to court investigators and western reporters and maintains he was not coerced into admitting his guilt .
10 Somebody nodded and s that way and said it was n't agreed but er it is actually anybody who 's going on a bona fide training course organized by their respective union , the T U C er a local college or whatever , a shop , a shop registered shop steward does get paid release for that er training .
11 You probably figured out by now that I 'm part of the team that made the game and to prove it is n't bugged I only have to quote some of Ian Osborne 's words :
12 Try to get a nanny with recognised qualifications , and check they are not forged .
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