Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [vb infin] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This Manifesto is about making our country respected and secure , and helping you achieve a better , safer and more prosperous future .
2 Then my father swung me up out of the sledge high above his head and down again , trying to distract me , to make light of what had happened and make me see the funny side of it .
3 ‘ I mean , they get these ideas and these bees in their bonnets and try and make everyone think the same way , and they change all the rules and upset everything , and Freud got it wrong in one way and Marx got it wrong in another . ’
4 The great Italian poet Leopardi had this to say : ‘ Works of genius have this intrinsic property that even when they give a perfect likeness of the nullity of things , even when they clearly demonstrate and make us feel the inevitable unhappiness of life , even when they express the most terrible despair , nevertheless … they always serve as a consolation , rekindling enthusiasm , and though speaking of and portraying nothing but death , restore to it , at least for a while , the life that it had lost . ’
5 I can evoke the wind at will and make it rustle the stiff papery blades of the bamboos and sing , through the comb-like leaves of the yew , as a worthy accompaniment to the voice that on that day and on all other days , even to the final silence , spoke words that had always the same meaning .
6 She swung her heavily stuffed silver-mesh purse on its long chain and made something like a little skipping step towards the door Nicandra thought she had never looked prettier .
7 He was terrific and made me realise the only reason I had these thoughts was because of the enormous love I have for you .
8 However , the Canadian who stole the stuff turned up in the middle of the night with a revolver , took all the money my father had , and made him unload the entire cargo .
9 Until the Annan Committee knocked BBC and ITV heads together and made them run a joint system of audience measurement , ITV relied mainly on counting the number of sets switched on and the BBC used sample surveys and audience ‘ diaries ’ .
10 We were lying on the ground in a row , pointing our rifles to our fronts , as he walked past each of us and made us repeat the different orders that we would be given , such as ‘ unload ’ or ‘ cock your weapon ’ .
11 ‘ Never leave home without one , ’ she said with a grim laugh , and helped him drag the unconscious man on to the floor .
12 He gave me every encouragement , lent me camp equipment , provided me with a Somali called Ali as my headman and helped me collect the necessary servants .
13 Walsh added : ‘ I expect James 's ankle to be right but I 'll probably start him from the bench and let him make an explosive entrance .
14 It would n't have occurred to you to leave Adam in peace and let him have a well-deserved weekend off , would it ?
15 He said : ‘ Clay County wrenched the muscles in his quarters when dropping his hind legs in the water jump at Nottingham , so we decided to give the Cheltenham Festival a miss and let him have a long break .
16 When Hazlitt and Coleridge visited Alfoxden the following day , Wordsworth was away from home ; but Dorothy provided them with a ‘ frugal repast ’ and let them see the now-abundant manuscripts intended for the Lyrical Ballads .
17 We would issue slides to PS staff and let them run the charging system themselves .
18 Now , for God 's sake , go to bed , and let me do the same . ’
19 ‘ Now for heaven 's sake get some sleep — and let me do the same ! ’
20 ‘ Let's say that he should have come to me first , ’ George said in a heavy , measured tone , ‘ and let me sort the whole thing out .
21 Come here , cara , and let me get a closer look . ’
22 ‘ Chris , great to see you , and let me introduce the lovely Lindy .
23 ‘ He went on to try Trevor Cherry then gave a cap to John Gidman before he somehow remembered me and let me have a second chance .
24 Because I just in my normal sort of intelligent way asked the librarian to come up with lots of cuttings on environmental health and let me have a quick little read , this was probably about twenty to three or something you know I probably needed about three weeks to do it .
25 Let his man make his way back there , and let me have the third horse and bring you the quickest way to Ullesthorpe .
26 in the heavens and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves for fear we may be scattered all over the earth , well that was God 's command was n't it there they said be scattered all over the earth
27 Although you may not want to go on a course , or can not afford to , it is a good idea to ask a friend or relative you feel comfortable with to play the part of the interviewer and let you have a dummy run .
28 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
29 I tugged the ribbon and lifted the lid and heard myself give a harsh shout of anger and rejection and probably shame .
30 I despaired when I heard Sir Geoffrey Howe , who was Foreign Secretary at the time , speak at the Tory Party Conference in October and heard him repeat the same old stock phrase : Britain will never make a deal over its hostages in Lebanon .
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