Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Had he been alive he would doubtless have been delighted at the response of the leading conservative theatre critic to What the Butler Saw ( 1969 ) : ‘ Orton 's terrible obsession with perversion , which is regarded as having brought his life to an end and choked his very high talent , poisons the atmosphere of the play .
2 Except that while she was loving him , gazing wonderingly at his blind eyes , Dr Neil said suddenly and hoarsely , ‘ Quick , McAllister ; put the baby in the drawer over there and bring me as much towelling as you can . ’
3 Our aim was to co-ordinate the various efforts being made and bring them under one umbrella .
4 The ensuing struggle to detach the Ukraine from Poland and bring it under Russian rule did nothing to weaken Western influence .
5 Margaret Donaldson has stated ( 1978 , p. 111 ) that there is ‘ a fundamental human urge to make sense of the world and bring it under deliberate control ’ ; ‘ a fundamental human urge to be effective , competent and independent , to understand the world and to act with skill ’ ( ibid , p. 113 ) .
6 And made it more black letter .
7 Within months Murdoch had revamped Collins and given its most important author the full hype .
8 Robyn banged her hand on to the steering-wheel , cursing violently as she did so , and then slumped despondently with her head on her arms for a moment and lived her only recurring nightmare — that one day she would be stranded in some unknown place in the pouring rain in this damned broken-down wreck of a jeep with no one to help her .
9 ‘ I must indeed apologize for my … irritation , ’ he said and produced his most disarming smile .
10 She nods , and swivels her loose lower denture ,
11 And eat it properly this time !
12 The man rewrote a radio play for him and got him early professional experience .
13 It was on Stephen Leacock 's advice that I tried my hand at writing humour and found it very arduous work ; writing ordinary prose was hard enough , but trying to make it funny was even harder .
14 At other times her minimalist approach seems vaguely stilted , and even her immensely watchable face ca n't carry the day .
15 Dazed , overwhelmed with the need and intensity that had sizzled between them since they first met , Rachel did less than resist ; she actively acquiesced , arching her body against his as he slid on to the bed on top of her , and his hoarsely muttered words were bitter-sweet to her ears as he renewed the kiss , his heart thudding above her as his hands began to stroke and explore her passionately responsive body .
16 In a survey of a ‘ closed ’ institution such as a prison or a firm the informants may be instructed to co-operate with interviewers because of agreement about the survey by the people in authority , but in many instances of samples from the general population no such authority exists and surveyors must try to obtain co-operation as best they can by interesting the informants in the survey and gaining their completely free co-operation .
17 The good cut made his shoulders look their proper width and reduced his generally plump look .
18 Think of the potential for embarrassment , ’ she jeered quietly , playing his game , and meeting his suddenly remote gaze .
19 The PCI repudiated its previous adherence to Lenin 's insurrectionary road to socialism , declared its permanent attachment to multi-party politics and complete acceptance of liberal constitutional rules , and renounced its hitherto unswerving support for Soviet foreign policy .
20 Odd-Knut rolled a thin cigarette and poured himself yet another coffee .
21 You 'll have to come and see us again some time .
22 Having read the report , the next morning Aitken telephoned Hugh Fraser , then of course a Conservative MP , to tell him about it , to quote extracts from it and to hear his very firm agreement that the report 's contents should be disclosed as a matter of public interest .
23 I made the mistake of giving in too often and paying her so much attention that eventually she felt she could do exactly as she pleased .
24 He had intentions of studying to become an engineer , but found that a job as a cadet draughtsperson with the government would pay quite well and give him more free time .
25 Think about those good points ( I am well organised ; I 'm a caring person and so on ) and give yourself as much credit as you would give someone else with those qualities ;
26 She could not have guessed how much she would enjoy herself with a stranger , how completely this woman was in sympathy with her , could not have hoped for a new friend to come out , at this stage in her life , and give her so much pleasure .
27 It will enable us to focus our activities and give us even greater clarity of purpose .
28 ACET volunteers are available to help whenever you need them , as long as you make arrangements with our volunteer coordinator and give us as much notice as possible .
29 She crept into the bedroom and retrieved her already packed suitcase from under her bed .
30 Elinor narrowed her eyes and swung her straight black hair out behind her like a scarf .
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