Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But the Myrcans slew these lords , and sought better ones to replace them .
2 But this Am , erican system is very expensive and needs several men to operate it .
3 Kersey watched the gulls and tried various gambits to draw him out , succeeding at last : ‘ I suppose Sara 's story is credible and you ca n't altogether blame her for not coming out with it sooner . ’
4 She has just completed a film shoot in France , with French dialogue ( ‘ I drove my family mad learning it ’ ) , and wants British audiences to see it .
5 I never saw anything like it ; nobody ever saw anything to equal the infinite age which was graven on that fearful countenance , no bigger now than that of a two months old child , though the skull retained its same size ; and let all men pray they never shall , if they wish to keep their reason .
6 Such harsh realities made the dream of parity , and still more of equality , seem remote , and allowed later critics to denounce it as a sham .
7 He would live in an attic and wear threadbare clothes provides he could go on seeing and making movies ’ .
8 The man whose car collided with a coach moments before it crashed killing three people and injuring twenty-six others says he ca n't sleep for thinking about the accident .
9 Weight loss is common , as are the obvious physical signs of needle track marks ( and wearing long sleeves to hide them ) , and the perpetually sore , running nose of someone who has a sniffing habit .
10 For Alan this has been the culmination of a story which began in 1981 when he bought an old 1965 Sunbeam Tiger and spent eight years rebuilding it — a labour of love .
11 PRINCESS Diana held hands with a dying AIDS victim yesterday and spent 15 minutes comforting him .
12 Young Neil told how old man Allen one day for a bet had drawn a line across a bar-room floor at the Black Horse and challenged all comers to cross it . ’
13 These ‘ social capital ’ arguments may have been what Titmuss meant when he argued that major wars increase governmental concern for women and children , and produce social policies to protect them .
14 It can help to identify problems with clarity , and find specific remedies to meet them .
15 After years of listening to and reading Anglo-Saxon women letting it all hang out , it was refreshing to be among women who so rigorously kept it all in .
16 It stood twenty-five spans high and took four horses to pull it .
17 The stabilization fund would be held in reserve to support rouble parity if Russia agreed to the IMF 's reform programme and took effective steps to apply it .
18 Rather , pluralist approaches stress the need to establish that a group or individual consciously wanted a particular policy outcome and took successful measures to secure it .
19 The wound had been deep , and resisted all efforts to stop it bleeding .
20 This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists , and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them .
21 Mr Bell accused Northumbrian Water of being ‘ high handed ’ in the way it implemented the change and said many tenants felt they were having to pay about £5 a week extra .
22 ‘ And I only wish that I was family and so could be of help to you and had some rights to see you .
23 My contention is that the prime reason for this situation — in the publicly available data domain — is the failure of librarians and information scientists to get a proper grip on the overall problem and to take effective measures to solve it .
24 The important thing seems to be that teachers should be aware of this conflict and take some steps to resolve it , and this involves some kind of negotiation between teacher and pupils .
25 Conversely , chemical weathering along microfractures in a rock will weaken it and help physical processes break it down more rapidly .
26 ‘ If I can take out a £420 loan and have ten years to pay it back , I 'll just pick up the cheque and go out and get ratted , ’ he said .
27 A good Americansandwich will be a Dagwood Bumstead special — at least six inches long , four multi-layered inches high and need two hands to control it .
28 However , I 'm not too impressed by the pickups and need some replacements to give it a bit more OOMPH .
29 I had been ushered into the throne room ( the throne itself , 8 feet high and needing six men to move it , was carved from a solid slab of oak and had been presented to Queen Salote by the British Government in 1951 ) , and could hear from next door the awful warble of Mr Swaggart 's daily broadcast to which the King was apparently listening .
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