Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to cheat and look this up in the instructions .
2 If we now look at the curve which shows the freon ratios in surface water and look for a ratio of two , and lining this up with the nought degree curve because we 're working with Antarctic water which of course is very cold , we can see that a ratio of two corresponds to the year nineteen fifty nine .
3 This section , describing in accurate seamen 's language a voyage past The Dry Salvages in a fishing boat loaded with ‘ canned baked beans ’ combined Eliot 's own sea knowledge with that of the Gloucester dory fishermen , and bound these up with the ‘ well-told seaman 's yarn ’ of Dante 's Ulysses and with Tennyson 's Ulysses ( who may be related to Gerontion ) .
4 Me and reckon that up in the canteen .
5 Are we also going to try and match those up with the attainment targets , so that we can say they 've completed a work sheet successfully ?
6 Feminists have launched major political campaigns about male violence and backed these up with the establishment of national networks of centres to help those who have suffered male violence .
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