Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] [pron] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has turned its back on the elitism of many consumer organisations and has based itself on a democratic structure in which the voluntary efforts of the members determine policy and action .
2 Pilar Wayne now says she ca n't afford the upkeep on ‘ La Roca ’ in exclusive Newport Beach , California , and has put it on the market for £2 million .
3 Dr Halden is married to my daughter and has taken her on an extended tour of the Continent . ’
4 In 1929 an architect was engaged and recommended doing nothing on the clubhouse .
5 He slid his arm round her narrow waist and bent to kiss her on the forehead .
6 When I prised her off and tried to stand her on the floor she kept rocking back and sitting on her tail , then falling over sideways and lying there like a stuffed parrot .
7 He stopped and turned her towards him and tried to kiss her on the mouth .
8 When we denounce the anti-Semitism and let the Fascism take care of itself , we are fastening on what is prepolitical or sub-political , and refusing to engage ourselves on the plane of politics where , as Olson insists , we 're required to vindicate our own sorts of polity against the Fascist sorts .
9 It 's no good looking at the cigars available and attempting to choose one on the basis of certain criteria .
10 First of all , medieval armies were sometimes not dependent on lines of communication : they did not , often could not , live on their own supplies , and reckoned to feed themselves on the land they passed through .
11 He kept her prisoner in her own home and threatened to electrocute her on a sunbed and burn her with an iron .
12 Charles took to Diana that weekend and began seeing her on a regular basis when they returned to London .
13 Sister Cooney picked up a pile of books and began to replace them on the shelves .
14 And they spat on him , and took the reed and began to beat him on the head , and after they had mocked him they took his robe off and put his garments on them and led him away to be , to crucify him .
15 You could n't just walk into it casually , as he had done , drop home from the office and decide to eradicate her on the spur of the moment .
16 So step back and hit hit it on the up stroke .
17 Then we removed the wire from the front of the box and started feeding them on the ledge .
18 ‘ It hauled me to the ground with a thump and started mauling me on the back and neck . ’
19 Suddenly he 'd arch his back like a twig in a furnace , scraping his stockinged feet for purchase , then take his head in both hands and try to smash it on the floor , only prevented by the cushions .
20 I think David thought he was the artist and he knew what he wanted to do — which I think is actually true — the artist basically does know what he wants to do — but I think the manager should just be there to sort out the finance and try to keep you on a the straight and narrow .
21 I hired one and went to try it on a mountain .
22 General practitioners are in a position to plan because they have survived many changes , and to fail to reappoint them on the basis of a local health policy ‘ whim ’ conflicts with individual patients ' rights in choosing their own general practitioner .
23 Almost operating on remote control he removed it , looked at it , and remembered finding it on the mat in that other house in that other life-time .
24 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
25 During the conversation Jean had brought food and had placed it on the table before Lucy , Doreen and Silas , and now the latter laid down his fork while he regarded Doreen with infinite patience .
26 When Midshipman Jack Rogers , trying to identify a distant ship , hopes it may be a Frenchman and declares ‘ the French will never like the English till they have taught us to eat frogs , and have thrashed us on a second field of Waterloo , and I hope that time may never come ’ , his friend Alick Murray defends French courage in war and laughs at Jack 's belligerence .
27 Make and have represent it on the one hand merely as the producing of an effect ( controlling the production of an effect in the case of have ) .
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