Example sentences of "and [noun] of [noun sg] from the " in BNC.

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1 With cries of ‘ oi gevalt ’ and ‘ keender ! keender ! ’ from Mum and Dad and screams of fear from the girls , the three bodies eventually manage to extricate themselves from the floor .
2 Let's put it this way : because of the occasional lightning strike and buckets of water from the celestial quarter there was little opportunity for sevens hookers to ply their ancient trade .
3 With elegant blue toile wallpaper , rich gilt mirrors , a Victorianstyle fireplace , and furniture made by John , all it needs is a tree , candles and trails of ivy from the garden to transform it into a very festive scene .
4 This included an increased degree of autonomy for Quebec ( and any of the other provinces which sought it ) through the proposed transfer of numerous powers and areas of responsibility from the federal to the provincial sphere of government .
5 The accountant will of course await the receipt of the relevant credit note and adjustment of VAT from the supplier before finally agreeing the statement .
6 The façade is a complex mixture of styles and periods of work from the eleventh to sixteenth centuries , but it presents a coherent whole which is unsurpassed , even in Italy , for richness of colour and materials ( 207 ) .
7 The obvious solution is to strike their military installations and lines of supply from the air .
8 Oddly , there are tiny elemental effects which spark and flicker around the Ghost ; tiny phosphorescent sparks around its hands , small ripples in the stone beneath its feet , a gentle breeze around its head , a sudden dampness and dripping of water from the stones of the walls around it .
9 ‘ The cheers melted into gasps of admiration and roars of approval from the stands as , in turn , this famous pair of chasers made some of the most prodigious leaps ever seen on an English racecourse , ’ wrote Len Thomas in the Sporting Life : ‘ It was a spectacle which I shall never forget . ’
10 and Head of Science from the linked secondary school ;
11 On one side is a reiteration of the Whiggish , teleological view of history which dominated the nineteenth century , demonstrating present western culture as the result of a continuous enlightenment and development of civilisation from the beginnings of the early modern period until the present .
12 Prices perk up , trading volume revives and stories of return from the grave are polished up .
13 In each of 80 counties through the states of Alabama , Kentucky , North-Carolina , Tennessee , Virginia , and West Virginia , local people , community groups , and college students began to sieve through masses of official paperwork on ownership , and taxation of property from the county tax rolls onto specially prepared coding sheets .
14 German technologists have developed a system of filtering out sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from the flue gases of coal-fired power stations .
15 Some companies ( particularly in the USA ) , in response to these and other factors , decided in the late 70s and early 80s that they should designate within their organisations a person or persons whose job would be to specialise in the acquisition and processing of information from the environment that might be of potential strategic importance .
16 It dawns sunny and clear , with a strong wind blowing , and storms of chaff from the barley-threshing on the roof rain down yellow against a peacock sky .
17 For a band who 've frequently balanced on that tightrope ‘ twixt credibility and downright incredulity , it 's a fittingly bewildering mish-mash of live footage , snippets of interviews , shots of them recording the ‘ Achtung Baby ’ album in Berlin and stacks of stuff from the first leg of the current World Tour .
18 Christie 's sale of the modern paintings , drawings and works of art from the William A. McCarty-Cooper Collection , ( primarily bequeathed to their late owner by his adoptive father and former lover , Douglas Cooper ) on the evening of 11 May was a remarkably unexciting , business-like and fitful affair .
19 And being a sad old fart , I do recognise the samples — old BBC Radiophonic Workshop snatches and bits of dialogue from the Moon landings ( ‘ We 're behind you guys all the way ’ ) .
20 The petition was accompanied by one from the magnates , who also sought the withdrawal of the tax on wool : it appears that for the first time since the Ordinances of 1310–11 the commons and the magnates were joining together to seek concessions and measures of reform from the king .
21 The TCCB meet two weeks ' after today 's final to decide on what further punishment can be meted out to Lamb on top of a two-match ban and threat of expulsion from the England dressing-room .
22 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
23 The independent commission established by the government to investigate and audit funds and property of former East German parties and political groups had been hindered in its work by shortage of staff and lack of co-operation from the affected organizations .
24 Lithuania 's unilateral decision , to abrogate USSR constitutional articles concerning USSR sovereignty and the validity of the Constitution on Lithuanian territory , would be null and void until such time as " the procedure for and consequences of secession from the composition of the Soviet Union are established by law " .
25 As Cameron surveyed the crowd , trying to make a rough count , he saw some women cracking stone bottles against their cudgels , stripping off their stockings , and packing them with shards and handfuls of gravel from the forecourt .
26 The volume of work and dedication of time from the client which will be required during the disposal process , particularly at due diligence and disclosure stages .
27 posession and supply of LSD from the first of december and from the following day , possession and supply of amphetamine sulphate .
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