Example sentences of "and [noun] that [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Did you not yourself say that our love must be holy ? ’ or when she pointed out that his ‘ lovely poems ’ would have been less lovely if she had not pro vided ‘ the unrest and storm that made them possible ’ : ‘ Beloved I will pray with my whole strength that suffering and temptation may be taken from you as they have been taken from me and that we may gain spiritual union stronger than earthly union could ever be . ’
2 At just over six foot , with thick curling brown hair and eyes that owed their startling blueness to his Irish ancestry , Tom was used to being the object of female appreciation whilst being slightly puzzled by it .
3 The General wore white tie and tails that accentuated his normal elegance .
4 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
5 The agent stopped struggling and hung there , aware of the pain in his wrists and the rasping against his skin , but even more conscious of the massive welts and blisters that covered his throbbing hand .
6 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
7 He had lost the diffidence and uncertainty that characterised his early leadership of the party .
8 The explosion blew out the windows and door , and shattered the banks of units , sucking up a whirling storm of glass and wires that whiplashed their arm-covered heads .
9 We would be pretty uninteresting if we all behaved as adults all of the time , and it is our mix of behaviours as adult , child and parent that makes us interesting and unique .
10 It is not only the environment but also the animals and plants that inhabit it that display rhythms .
11 The erosion of values and moral standards , the relativism of life , the shocking things that happen , reveal that our civilization is but a veneer that hides a viciousness and rottenness that frighten us all .
12 It 's the element of novelty and danger that makes it different , plus the deliberate nature of going out to get laid .
13 But modern children have a lot of facts and it 's the interpretation of facts and feelings that makes them civilised . ’
14 I know somebody here who got very good marks for his lab work and he 's good on computers , and he just programmed the computers in random errors and stuff that give him set results and nice graphs , and they were n't perfect so nobody noticed them , but he fiddled them , and that way he did n't have to do any lab work if he did n't want to .
15 Wherever you look , the French countryside is brimming with light , colour , the aroma of herbs growing in the wild , and a people and scenery that make it one of the most wonderfully enticing parts of the world .
16 He opened his lips , struggling to put off the pride and bitterness that held him mute ; but the slight rustle of the tapestry at the door spoke first , and eloquently , and when he looked up David was gone , leaving still silent on the air between them the name that was not to be spoken .
17 Ideal for a spot of salad or soup , Chanticleer china has the kind of country charm and simplicity that makes it good for everyday use .
18 We are helping the individual , whether adult or young person , to gain meaning from the vast display of information , opinion , and activity that constitutes our daily lives .
19 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
20 When it comes to technical charts it has a combination of graph types and options that make it suitable for analysing scientific as well as business or financial data .
21 This powerful new production of the classic romantic novel magnificently re-creates this superb love story , bringing it to life with a passion and sensitivity that makes it compelling theatre .
22 And still the killing goes on … the sad toll of death and destruction that spans our troubled globe
23 Then , on the eve of the second Test in Madras , Gooch had his infamous encounter with a poisonous prawn that laid him low for several days and was out of the match with diarrhoea and sickness that laid him low for several days .
24 It was Elizabeth 's courage and devotion that kept him alive until his own courage could take over .
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