Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb -s] [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Travelling and ferrying loads to the mountain was done at night to make use of the best snow conditions , and Bonington reports that there was still sufficient light at this time of year for night work .
2 He goes on to quote Marx 's comment that the materialist doctrine that men are the product of circumstances and upbringing forgets that it is by men that circumstances are changed .
3 Taken in with his bottle of National Dried Milk and vitamin drops that it was all right to kill .
4 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
5 Nevertheless , the availability of reliable diagnostic tests and effective treatment for syphilis and gonorrhoea means that there is enormous potential and scope for reducing both their prevalence and their complications during pregnancy .
6 Evidence from Peru , Chile and Mexico demonstrates that it is the more educated and more skilled who migrate ( Roberts 1978 ) .
7 Keynes has shown that he and his brothers , six of them according to Florence of Worcester , appear in the witness lists of royal charters for some time before 1006 ; but it was in 1007 that Eadric received his ealdormanry , and Florence says that it was Eadric who had Ælfhelm murdered and the king who blinded his sons .
8 Eadwig , who bore , or affected , a royal name , looks like a significant figure , and Florence says that he was eventually reconciled with Cnut .
9 A very detailed specification is drawn up , and a tight system of checking and auditing ensures that it is closely adhered to .
10 He continued with a report on the worsening situation in Austria : HQ 14 Yugoslav Div is established KLAGENFURT and KEIGHTLEY reports that there is no sign of a stop to the Northerly move of Yugoslav forces into our zone of Austria .
11 Comparison of the frequency with which tumour suppressor and oncogenes are altered in adenomas and carcinomas suggests that there is a preferred order for their occurrence in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence ( figure ) .
12 The lesson of history is that doctrine becomes a cloak for power politics , rivalry becomes an excuse for dealing ruthlessly and the rule of fear , paranoia and suspicion means that whatsoever is not for us is against us .
13 We are living in a world of dwindling timber resources , and Gerwyn believes that we are going to have to turn back to using what 's around us .
14 We can therefore see that certain aspects of economic practice depend upon the so-called superstructure , as well as the other way round , and Althusser concludes that it is a serious error to neglect this aspect of Marx 's theory .
15 It is conventional wisdom among advice agencies , local authorities and fuel boards that it 's the women who pick up the tab for men 's mismanagement .
16 The number of Big'uns in an Orc tribe is never very great , the natural process of growth and conflict ensures that there are always many more ordinary Orcs .
17 The incarnational model of Mary and Jesus stresses that it is our very weakness which may become a tool for the Kingdom .
18 All the houses in the neighbourhood have these alarms , and Vic admits that they are necessary , with burglaries increasing in frequency and boldness all the time , but the system they inherited from the previous owners of the house , with its magnetic contacts , infra-red scanners , pressure pads and panic buttons , is in his opinion over-elaborate .
19 His remark comes from book 67 of his commentary on the edict , and palingenesia shows that he was discussing an interdict , most likely the interdict quod legatorum which was available to the bonorum possessor to recover property which a possessor was purporting to hold under a legacy .
20 The difficulty of expressing what we think adequately in matters concerned with assumptions and beliefs means that it is often easier to say what we do not agree with than what we do .
21 More generally , the fact that literary studies is sometimes thought of as a general training in thinking and writing means that you are expected to be able to control how you write — in particular , that you are able consistently to use a particular appropriate register .
22 So much choice , and so many different ways to traverse this superb maze of peaks and ridges means that there is sometimes a bit of a scrum at these crossroad peaks .
23 Research into people 's needs and motivation indicates that it 's not just for the money — the financial aspect can be over-stressed .
24 And Platt admits that he is likely to need surgery in the near future to cure the ailment .
25 Despite his desire to secure the dominance of holism by equating it with social scientific explanation , Miller 's argument only sustains a weaker claim ; for his distinction between holism and individualism suggests that there is a place for both types of explanation .
26 After a long slog in the 1980s to reach the top flight of the Championship , last season 's relegation was nothing short of disastrous for the club and Stedman feels that it is an indictment of Farnham that promising young players in the area , whom the town club would hope to recruit , are instead going to Guildford , attracted by division one status .
27 The fact that many of the Free Presbyterian marchers were women and children suggests that they were equally sanguine .
28 The band are well past their 150th gig of the tour now and Mark insists that they 're playing better than ever : ‘ Everyone plays great and we all get on really well … ’
29 It is believed that many dischargers , particularly industrialists , have such control over their manufacturing and treatment processes that they are able to alter the quality and quantity of their effluents virtually at will , as economic considerations dictate .
30 The Melrose stand-off had been stung by comments after both the Irish and French matches that he was not being creative enough and that the boot had become his only attacking weapon .
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