Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb mod] not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The mistakes of Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia must not be repeated , ’ he said , referring to Soviet invasions of the two states .
2 The wind of God certainly blew on that man , Christian though he already was ; he has not become a paragon of virtue over night , but the manifest change in his disposition and attitudes can not be denied .
3 These processes involve cognitive as well as interactive skills and , therefore , the exercising of professional expertise and judgement can not be eradicated from the process .
4 Dams will not be built , and roads will not be laid in case they wipe out a rare plant species that could yield a new organic hair conditioner for Westerners to enjoy .
5 The existence of the A-X association may mean that training with A will allow the associatively activated representation of X to gain associative strength ; but as long as the c elements still gain strength , generalization to B will still occur and discrimination will not be improved .
6 Our pupils ' mathematical attainment and experience must not be limited by our restricted expectations .
7 It was , of course , the purchasers business to employ a surveyor , whether a house or a boat was in question , and Pinkie would not be offering Dreadnought with any kind of guarantee as to soundness , only , after all , as to quaintness .
8 Collective bargaining institutions and rules can not be expected to function adequately when wrenched out of their original context and implanted elsewhere , since they are closely linked with the structure and organisation of political and social power in their own environment or habitat .
9 If she were a Lady , she would still be referred to as Mrs. X. If the person were a member of the nobility or someone in whom the press had an interest , rumour would start to circulate , and damage could not be avoided .
10 Fraud inquiry.Drivers and homeowners may not be insured .
11 Even with heterogeneous expectations on the part of investors the process of arbitrage will ensure that they will be in agreement on the price of the option in relation to the parameters S o , h , L , rf and t even though the average values of h , L and p can not be observed .
12 The linearity and chronology of the conventional novel had to be abandoned in order to achieve this : the minute movements of attraction and repulsion towards other consciousnesses , language and objects could not be accommodated within the character-centred novel of classic realism .
13 As Italy 's financial year closes at the end of the calendar year and money can not be held over from one year to the next , there is not enough time to distribute and use such funds as have been allocated .
14 During this time , the cheque is ‘ uncleared ’ and money can not be drawn against it , unless your bank agrees to let you do so .
15 The jury may in some cases put two and two together , but it seems to us that the effect of section 58 is such that the balance of fairness between prosecution and defence can not be maintained unless proper comment is permitted on the defendant 's silence in such circumstances .
16 Unfortunately , weathering processes and products can not be understood simply in terms of the formation of stable mineral forms since many minerals are abundant on the Earth 's surface even though thermodynamic considerations tell us that they are unstable .
17 Thus , in the reign of Ferdinand VII , the contest between liberalism and conservatism could not be fought out within a constitutional system ; it concerned the existence of a constitution as such .
18 Packaging from recycled paper and board should not be allowed to come into contact with fatty foods , according to the Swedish National Food Administration .
19 It was always apparent that as the AOR was completed many jobs and skills would not be required in the new orders that have come through .
20 Whether this diagnosis is historically or sociologically true is one matter , but the relations between liberalism and racism can not be dismissed .
21 Writers and speakers can not be held responsible unless they authorise , or at least foresee , the publication which causes complaint .
22 You will not be flirting at the kitchen door with the milkman and the coalman , and Matey will not be chasing you for doing so . ’
23 It should now be clear that Buid attitudes toward peace and violence can not be understood in terms of innate psycho-biological dispositions , or in terms of their adaptation of the natural environment .
24 ‘ We feel the issue of the form of state and violence can not be discussed after the setting of an election date . ’
25 But despite this Hereford MP Colin Shepherd says charity and aid should not be sent there … because the Serbs will hijack it and destroy its purpose .
26 ‘ I do not believe the council will ostracise them and I am confident that their needs and demands will not be neglected , ’ he said .
27 But disease and infirmity can not be ignored .
28 It is , indeed , an implication of attitudinism that induction and abduction can not be invoked in support of ethical statements as they can in support of factual ones .
29 Pest control and hygiene should not be seen as separate operations ; rather , they should be combined as essential components of good hygiene practice .
30 Nor will it do to argue that state socialism is a perversion or corruption of some pure source , for the source has been so consistent in what it has given rise to , and so wrong in its predictions , that the suspicion of some intrinsic connection between theory and practice can not be evaded .
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