Example sentences of "and [noun] [adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And Rufus the other day , my brother and sister all going up to Sheila , the dog 's right there , I 'm going hi !
2 Mr Lang acknowledged in an interview with The Scotsman that some of the estimated costs and savings first put forward by the consultants had changed .
3 A century and a half later , of course , many new fossil discoveries and much critical analysis have greatly advanced our understanding of dinosaurs , although not to the extent that the controversy and emotion first stirred up by Owen has entirely abated .
4 Not the young Francis either , in whom I stood a better hope of experiencing the odd happy memory , but Francis as I 'd last experienced him with the tang of his Lucky Strikes , last night 's whisky and dejection all togged up as joie de vivre .
5 And Mr Slipshod slithered back into the Town Hall .
6 The Lord has given her Psalm 91 and Psalm 121 to hold on to and she knows that He is in control of the situation .
7 The table and chairs and windowboxes all fit in with the period of the house .
8 Like words , social institutions , customs , and beliefs all change drastically over time .
9 When we arrived , Heathcliff , Hareton , and Joseph all came out of the house to inspect the child .
10 The nurse had n't been round yet to close the curtains and Charles Paris and Harry Chiltern looked out on galvanized frames of blackness .
11 In Diptera and Hymenoptera this consists mainly of carbohydrates such as glycogen and blood sugars .
12 Greg , Pippa , Emily , Tom and Bill all came over from America , and stayed with us for eight days .
13 The King , the Queen and their lords and ladies all came down to the beach to wave goodbye .
14 In Germany and Italy this shows clearly in cuts in plant-level wage supplements .
15 ‘ Are n't you and Charles due to go off on holiday soon ? ’ she queried , when tea and biscuits were duly dispensed to Lucy and she could sit down on a wicker-backed chair and sip her own .
16 The opening episode of ‘ The Daleks ’ , ‘ The Dead Planet ’ premiers the use of Inlay in Doctor Who for one of the most historic shots in the programme 's history — the awesome moment when the Doctor , Ian , Barbara and Susan first look down at the glittering towers of the Dalek city , gleaming , some miles distant , in the rays of the setting sun .
17 the family environment where the father , mother and children all work together with strong family stability ;
18 In the bridge rectifier circuit of figure 7.1(b) , diodes D 2 and D 3 conduct well during those half-cycles over which the upper input terminal is positive with respect to the lower , diodes D 1 and D 4 being reverse biased and almost open circuit at such times .
19 THE first Class of ‘ 92 sits expectantly — 40 young men and women ready to go out into the world .
20 My mind is like a stage , with the actors , their costumes , props , scripts and agents all streaming on from stage right .
21 Pertinent comments made by linguists and grammarians all focus however on the meaning of the verb of perception alone .
22 The achievement of Edward IV and Henry VII lay less in the size of their income than in their creation of a landed estate which gave them a substantial revenue over which they had complete control .
23 The different reactions to the military adventures of James III and James IV owe much to that most fundamental aspect of rule , the ability to evoke enthusiasm and affection — love , as contemporaries would have said ; the former failed to inspire what the latter clearly got in such great measure that the Scots were willing to countenance the idea of a crusade against the Turks , and in 1513 were even prepared to break the habit of more than a century , of avoiding major pitched battles with the English .
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