Example sentences of "and [art] [num] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Zap ! — and the one Henry most favoured , which seemed from looking at the label to be a sexier version of raw bleach — Finish 'Em It came in a huge blue bottle on the side of which was a picture of something that looked like a bluebottle with twelve legs keeling over , while a housewife in rubber gloves looked grimly on .
2 He was the most expert of the Met 's scene of crime officers and the one Dalgliesh always hoped would be available when he began a new case .
3 When the appointment of three arbitrators is required , each party selects one arbitrator , and the two arbitrators thus appointed select the third arbitrator who then heads the Arbitration Committee .
4 Though relations with its neighbours Greece and Yugoslavia remained strained , considerable progress was made in strengthening bilateral relations with other countries.In July 1990 diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union were restored [ see p. 37619 ] and the two countries subsequently agreed to renew direct trade relations .
5 And the two men allegedly crucified with him are explicitly described as ‘ Lestai ’ , Zealots .
6 Watanabe 's initiative proposed that Shikoton and the four islets collectively known as Habomai , be returned immediately , and that temporary Japanese administrative rights be granted over the two more populous islands — Etorofu and Kunashiri — prior to their being handed back .
7 When Powell and the five survivors eventually reached safety , ragged , half-starved and exhausted , their expedition was hailed as one of the most courageous feats of exploration of the time .
8 ‘ I found a church with an amazing 12th-century carved stone altar in Beaujolais in a village called Avenas : Christ and the 12 apostles intricately carved , virtually intact . ’
9 The popular fronts themselves became still more intransigent in their demands : both the Latvian and the Lithuanian fronts , in late 1989 , were openly contemplating the possibility of formal secession from the USSR , not simply a greater measure of autonomy , and the three fronts jointly organised a Baltic Assembly which called for political independence for the republics within a ‘ neutral and demilitarised Balto-Scandia ’ .
10 The single most important move of the 1938–50 period was the extension of selection to the entire age group , and the 1944 Act actually made this more commonplace , but it did not create the move — only forty-three LEAs , less than half , considered the whole group throughout the selection process , another forty LEAs qualified children by excluding those who did badly in a first exam as part of the selection procedure .
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