Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The format of the seminar will be similar to last year with speakers to include Trisha Whitfield and Diane Bennett , plus two optional lectures , one by Ann Brown of Posh Frocks and the other for Passap owners .
2 There was a short silence then the dogs ' barking grew into a raucous row ; shouts and the shrill of hunting horns carried clear to us as a fat buck , together with two hinds , galloped from the trees and across the meadow in a flurry of snow .
3 CLOSER TO home , Bournemouth 's funky Wild At Heart crew present the Well Hung Parliament 's Country Balls Up on Aug 30 in a country club with swimming pool and gardens , and with Andy Weatherall , Dean Thatcher and the Wild At Heart regulars delivering the noise .
4 Whilst learning to take the rough and the smooth of rugby fortunes with a philosophic air , Townsend has already reacted to criticism with refinements to his play that have been a factor in his selection for Australia : ‘ I tend to pay heed more to criticism than to praise .
5 In many ways it was an advantage to work broadly with such a mass of detail — cranes , windows , cars and a myraid of tower blocks .
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