Example sentences of "and [art] [noun sg] have be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And the balcony has been reserved for couples only — so that single customers can not become Peeping Toms .
2 But its price tag of around £100 million made it too expensive for a purely national project , and the cost has been split between three countries with Britain and the US joining the Netherlands .
3 Their lawyers say the couple have been robbed of the opportunity to become a mother and father and the child has been denied the chance to nurtured by the ‘ these loving parents ’ .
4 Section 34(2) provides for the application to be made by the authority or the child and the question has been raised whether the child , in that context , means the child himself if he is of sufficient age and understanding to make the application .
5 By the time I arrived at B.P. there was need for many more of those whom Peter Calvocoressi calls the Indians , and the net had been cast wider to trawl the less élite from universities other than Oxford and Cambridge .
6 Radio broadcasters have to be content with a low status , and the medium has been starved of funds .
7 The Mini was back in use and the Glory had been relegated to the garage until she ‘ had time to check it out with Mr Chan ’ .
8 Both the BBC microcomputer and the Spectrum have been plagued by delays and faults .
9 I had a little snigger ; it had to be fully ten minutes since the last stroke of eleven , and the thunder had been murmuring dark warnings ever since .
10 Not surprisingly , this lava lake is one of the most photographed features in Hawaii , and the crater has been labelled in suitable post-card terminology ‘ The House of Everlasting Fire ’ .
11 ‘ I read in my Harmsworth Magazine once that a man died because he ate rabbit pie and the rabbit had been eating belladonna .
12 On Aug. 29 an amnesty was announced for all political prisoners , said by the authorities to number 66 ; of these 44 had been arrested after the inter-ethnic massacres of August 1988 , and the rest had been accused of a plot against the government in March 1989 .
13 There was talk before the start of the competition having become more intense ; of the gap between McLaren and the rest having been reduced to the point where we might have a race on our hands .
14 The Census Dissemination Unit has been allocated a certain amount of minidisk space on the Amdahl at Manchester to hold it ; this consists of 5 minidisks each with a capacity of 1.2 gigabytes ; two contain system files , together with the postcode/Enumeration District directory and some text files with other information , and the rest have been used to store raw data files .
15 The structure which was destroyed by the construction of the town wall contained a row of some ten rooms ; the walls were about 1 m ( 3¼ ft ) thick , and the structure had been roofed with limestone slates .
16 You 're quite right that it 's been dealt with in an extraordinary number of soaps because , in Brookside , Tracey Corkhill has had an abortion and the story 's been tied in with fatherhood — with Barry , her lover , losing out on fatherhood .
17 The vital phrase is ‘ any computer ’ at the end of section 1(1) ( a ) and the Act has been drafted , it is submitted , so as to deal with someone who misuses a computer , whether he accesses it indirectly by using another computer , perhaps in other premises , or whether he accesses it directly , as happened in the present case .
18 This section is not as deprived of light nor as gloomy as it once was , tree felling and gale damage having left gaps through which there are glimpses of the loch below , and the road has been cured of the hazards that beset the early travellers .
19 Consent for demolition was refused and the church has been vested in the Redundant Churches Fund
20 Whenever a claim is presented for damage to the craft occasioned abroad , and the craft has been returned to the U.K. for repair , it must be carefully checked that this period has not been exceeded — and especially that the craft is not being left at a holiday destination for a prolonged period .
21 Hanging baskets with bright geraniums decorated the higher balconies and the courtyard had been turned into a spectacular garden , tubs of potted plants adorning the old paving .
22 An impressive madame , wife of the owner , stands continuously in the corner of the restaurant , surveying every aspect of the culinary stage management , and the sommelier has been working with the family for 38 years .
23 But another feature in the projects noted is that they have elements both of research and development in them , and the work has been pursued not just with one school but usually with several concurrently .
24 Relations between this group and the government had been strained for some years because of the sect 's links with Libya and its occupation of a disputed eight-acre site west of the capital , where it had built a commune .
25 Negotiations between the DNU-MRH and the government had been initiated at the Central America presidential summit held in Nicaragua in April 1990 [ see p. 37372 ] .
26 The relationship between the judiciary and the Government has been changed by developments over the last twenty years and especially over the last five years or so .
27 Pilots have complained that airlines force them to work long hours , new jets are being grounded or sent back to the manufacturers for modification , and the government has been attacked for a series of embarrassing lapses at major airports .
28 But er unfortunately , this is something that happened in the past and the government have been prosecuted for it , they 've been found guilty , but Blackpool 's name has been dragged way down with them .
29 On Hogmanay , 1991 , Murray had produced some heroin in the back office and the depot had been closed early , the court heard .
30 The local financial system has been drained of liquidity , interest rates have gone up and the stockmarket has been falling .
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