Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The latter two may be the attractions prompting the former , but where the countryside or environmental features are the foci of interest , large influxes of people and the attendant services that they require can bring about environmental change .
2 In addition there are the more general , personal responsibilities to pupils and to colleagues , and the implicit expectations that they will keep up with their subject and methods of teaching it .
3 He was n't prepared to be carried along with the wave and the various things that he said about Europe were completely right for what he said .
4 ‘ The problems of distribution and the various changes that we had to make to establish ourselves in Scotland made me think that if I just swung the compass I 'd land up in Paris . ’
5 When the naive inductivist , and many other empiricists , assume that there is something unique given to us in experience that can be interpreted in various ways , they are assuming , without argument and in spite of much evidence to the contrary , some one-to-one correspondence between the images on our retinas and the subjective experiences that we have when seeing .
6 I have been asked by several Society members what it was like to take a ride on the Bishop 's Castle Railway , and the best description that I know of is the account by the late Sir Jasper More in his book , ‘ A TALE OF TWO HOUSES ’ , published by Sir Jasper in 1978 .
7 It has had to soften its stance on separatism to try to convince the Sri Lankan Government and the Sinhalese people that it sincerely wants a negotiated settlement .
8 D do y do you think there 's a great difference between the Labour Party now and the Labour Party when you were working ?
9 I do n't suppose there 's much doubt that Milton approached his marriage a little late in life with an intensity of idealism that must , to some degree , have derived from the high conception of the chastity to which he had up till then dedicated himself , and poor Mary Powell , just like Desdemona , becomes a victim of male idealisation and the unreasonable demands that it makes .
10 For Harlow and the subdivisional area that we actually concentrate on , that takes in forty , or at least , no it does n't .
11 The Soviet Union was therefore perceived as a threat by both the military and the economic elites because it served both their interests .
12 Thus , although I use the present tense , the physical organization of communities and the economic organization that I discuss are more relevant to the pre-1970 period .
13 So in migrating to architecture we 're very much focused on what are the real world problems and the real challenges that we need to face to deliver effective and workable solutions .
14 And the real test if you 're designing what we call formats in the United States — sometimes in Europe format means just shape and size — but the underlying design of a newspaper or magazine .
15 And the only horn and we 're often dealing with with only the only this , the only that .
16 This is usually because they 've never thought much about Christianity and the only opinions that they have got are ones that they 've picked up from their parent(s) or the TV .
17 No the situation was getting worse and the only way that they we er that it was gon na be made better was by violence and , cos the violence is the only way
18 Apparently the body , his body was making too much blood and the only way that he could release it was by building , by nosebleeds it do n't make sense does it ?
19 And the only examination that I ever voluntarily and with malice aforethought ,
20 And the only reason that they were undamaged was because he had n't made up his mind whether simply to destroy them , his original intention , or whether to try to sell the designs to someone else .
21 Er and the only reason that I thought they may have been favourable , would have been based on the principle of fair play , but then erm when you think of er companies who are making profits from year to year which were in excess of the previous years , then by the time three years expired , our members could have been in a loss situation , if indeed they had n't gone forward and argued the case at domestic level .
22 And the only record that we have in scripture of any evidence of folk having received the Holy Spirit was that they spoke with other tongues .
23 and the only thing that they 've done is if you kiss somebody , kissing someone whatever you know , erm or someone 's dirty and that is the only thing they can put it down
24 So if you are using these , I 've got one of these at home in my lounge and the only thing that I run from it is my television set and the video recorder .
25 ‘ You are being very naughty , ’ McAllister whispered back , pretending to be severe , ‘ and the only thing that I can say in your favour is that I am in nearly as bad a way as you are , and know exactly how you feel — but be patient , it can not be long now , ’ for she knew that once the bazaar was over , and she was at last able to tell him the truth , they could go ahead with their marriage plans , the only delaying thing being the time it would take Mama and Papa to cross the Atlantic .
26 The Inns have kindly agreed to provide additional accommodation at no cost to the Unit and the Vice Chairman and I are currently reviewing the situation to determine what additional management and other support they need .
27 No matter how carefully I listened , and the faintest signals that I dug up , all my finds proved to be items of 17th century date .
28 And the one thing that I over all these years I have found and I 've come more and more into is aromatherapy , because it 's not
29 And the two things that I had noticed on the first day were still left hanging there …
30 I had me tea with her and the two boys and she did n't press me any further . ’
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