Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] [vb base] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Plastics are light , but the force applied by active children to toys ( or the weight of the box contents ) does not decrease in proportion , and the articles need to be thicker near such load bearing points .
2 Child care policy and practice in the United Kingdom , Flanders , and the Netherlands appear to be converging towards family and community-oriented services , although the pace of change seems to be slower in Flanders than in the other two countries .
3 Streaming is appearing again and the government seem to be encouraging this with the creation of City Technology Colleges .
4 And the conclusions appear to be that migration into the county needs to be modified , and secondly , that government policy was then and still is to pursue policies leading to the regeneration of urban areas e around North Yorkshire particularly West Yorkshire er and Cleveland .
5 ( Reid and Hanrahan , 1982 , p. 328 ) , and the answers appear to be positive .
6 Nochlin has played a genuinely pioneering role in the development of Anglo-American feminist art history and the essays deserve to be placed within that intellectual and political context .
7 And and the visits seem to be more popular , and often quite a few careers officers will put their names down for that .
8 They have the talent to make an impact but the game has to be right and the circumstances have to be right to bring them in .
9 That shows that both the president 's National Party ( NP ) and the ANC intend to be prepared for the first non-racial elections for a constituent assembly ; it is also a clear sign that both of them are sure that they can convince the other parties that the path they have laid down is the one to follow .
10 But the similarities must not be overgeneralized and the differences need to be acknowledged .
11 Six months of painstaking work goes into preparing plants for showing … the plants have to be tied up to keep the stems straight … aphids must be brushed gently off the leaves … and the orchids have to be misted regularly to keep up the humidity .
12 Wide paths are needed for a wheelchair , and the paths need to be smooth and free of weeds .
13 It 's a very personal area of the anatomy and the women need to be handled with care .
14 Vibration problems at BPXC 's wells are more dramatic and commonplace than elsewhere because the formations are hard and the holes tend to be extremely enlarged due to wellbore ‘ breakout ’ phenomena , so that the drillstring easily loses stability .
15 If the individual pupil is to be presented with opportunities for learning that will arouse his active response , the circumstances and the materials have to be judged with considerable care .
16 More equal blame is necessary and the parents need to be wary of automatically labelling the instigator .
17 The words addressed to Titius are therefore construed as setting up a trust in favour of others ; and the others happen to be the coheirs who stand to benefit from the resulting reduction in the share intended to fall to Titius .
18 Through the help of this " friend " the sufferers dealt with the unpleasant feelings associated with the disappointments , disasters and challenges of life and now this " friend " has turned against them and the feelings have to be processed .
19 In the English coalfields flanking the London-Brabant Massif , Westphalian A and B units have the highest frequency of coal occurrence ( see Ramsbottom et al. 1978 ) and the coals appear to be evenly distributed between these two units .
20 The disk is round , to slightly pentagonal , diameter up to 13 mm ; covered by trifid spinelets , rarely the spinelets may be more elaborate but often the crown is indistinct and the spinelets appear to be rugose .
21 It is recognised that our scientific and horticultural activities are of interest to two separate potential audiences , and the packs need to be tailored accordingly .
22 This behaviour looks on the surface like a complex communication system , and the participants seem to be acting at least intelligently , even rationally .
23 A friend of mine sends things like that and they got ta be and the proofs have to be sent .
24 And the ideas need to be caught they need to be done something with by the rest of the group .
25 And so far the buses and the trains seem to be running rather well .
26 And the patents appear to be worthwhile as well as numerous .
27 I think that 's , I mean I think that 's why the , the two interesting ends of the U K press are the tabloid end , because it looks , it looks as if it 's sort of forged in the heat of hot metal and steaminess and erm the top end and things like the Express and The Mail seem to be entirely flabby in the middle .
28 In Congress , in addition to large personal staffs of members , the senior Democratic and Republican members of each committee may hire their own committee staff , and the recruits tend to be bright and ambitious postgraduates , especially lawyers .
29 These controls over caravan sites operate in addition to the normal planning system ; thus both planning permission and a licence have to be obtained .
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