Example sentences of "and [art] [noun] would [vb infin] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Patients were chained up , and the noise would have been incredible .
2 The linkage between the columns and the rounds would have been too evident .
3 Yes , that 's absolutely true and the public would have been outraged by that .
4 At that point the nurses would have said well , yes we can see the reasons because we 're nearly doctors as well , and the administrator would have been left high and dry .
5 And the figures would have been higher still , but for a smaller rise in car offences which account for three quarters of all reported crimes .
6 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
7 But to have gone himself to Verdun at this hour would have demolished at a stroke the legend of imperturbability , upon which so much had been built , and the crash would have been deafening .
8 They would have been finished by noon , and the clothes would have been draped over rocks and bushes to bleach overnight in the moonlight .
9 It would have taken a battalion to root the fanatics out , and the casualties would have been horrendous .
10 ‘ This was the last race of the season , so all you had to do was wait one short day , bide your time for twenty-four hours , and the kid would have been home and dry . ’
11 Whatever the urgency , setting more than the number three jib and the mainsail would have been stupid .
12 Sooner or later she would have found out for herself , and the interrogation would have been worse still if she 'd thought Rory was trying to keep her in the dark about such a momentous event in her life .
13 There was no torpedo on board when the aircraft crashed — no unexploded torpedo was found by the French , if the torpedo had exploded there would have been a tremendous explosion and the aircraft would have been totally destroyed .
14 ’ Anybody could 've gone outside and pulled a plug out of the wall and the show would 've been off the air A lot of people probably wish they had . ’
15 She 'd have known by now if there had been , and the blue would have been dark and ugly .
16 If this was coppicing , it had been somewhat fierce and the trees would have been cut back to soil level .
17 A few more inches to the right and the shot would have been fatal .
18 Those men , balding men with families , would have written their reports with a knowing smile , omitting anything too indelicate , and the contents would have been passed on to Urquhart 's boss , and then probably on to Spittals .
19 She could have screamed and the sound would have been accepted as part of the cacophony .
20 Partly it was pride ; I could n't countenance exposing all that I was feeling ; but — and I know this does n't mitigate anything , but perhaps it balances the self-interest , self-protection or whatever it was — even then I was also still afraid of succumbing to the temptation to use the power I sensed I could have over you , and the use would have been abuse . ’
21 And the barrel would 've been more or less , well about that in height sir .
22 Well aware that before their present position both she and the Emperor would have been officially designated by the sclerotic European courts as ‘ other persons who might be invited ’ , Eugénie had no hesitation in squashing what she considered to be behaviour unsuitable for the Court of Napoleon III , where ‘ other persons ’ were to be received with dignity and no hint of condescension .
23 New York was swathed in sunlight and the heat would have been stifling had it not been for a gentle easterly breeze blowing in from the Atlantic .
24 Intriguing but unimportant differences were that the Earth spun much faster in those early days — so the days and nights were much shorter ; and the moon was much closer , so it would have appeared vast in the sky ( if there had been any creature to observe it ) and the tides would have been far more dramatic .
25 These two workings were on Lord Muncaster 's territory and a Royalty would have been paid to him .
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