Example sentences of "and [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 All said he was of low intelligence , and as a trump card the defence brought in Professor Hans Eysenck to consider all the evidence .
2 You have to remember that all work assigned within the group is organized as projects and as a service organization no two of our projects are identical .
3 None was really successful , however , and as a policy departure the Highlands and Islands Development Board was established in 1965 , covering some 3.6 million ha ( one-sixth of Britain 's area ) with a population of only 340,000 ( Grieve 1973 ) .
4 For the first period he took as a starting point his previously arrived figure of forty seven thousand five hundred pounds and as an end point a figure of fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds ninety six pence , derived from Mrs .
5 To obtain a general impression of differences among the stimuli and between the rating tasks the ten junctions were compared in an analysis of variance .
6 The development would appear to have been a success and for the winter timetable an early morning Aberystwyth to Birmingham train will run daily .
7 This year 's Illuminations are the 60th and for the diamond jubilee the town is celebrating with bigger and better displays than ever .
8 For lunch I intend to go to the Strawberry Duck pub , Entwhistle , Saturday afternoon is free for shopping in Manchester 's Arndale Centre or whatever and for the evening meal the plan is to go to the new Indian take-away which has opened near Castle Irwell — the ‘ Tandoori Cottage ’ .
9 The threat , they say , affects business and the US economy as a whole in two major ways : ‘ through the actual and threatened failure of accounting firms , and through the survival tactics the firms are forced to employ ’ .
10 She went down the garden with a buoyant step between the neatly trimmed shrubs her uncle had so lovingly planted , past the magnolia , black and wet and knobbly , and through the rose garden the Talbots had laid out together in the manner of an Elizabethan one , formally-shaped beds edged with fat hedges of box .
11 The German advance came to a halt , and during the autumn months the French were able to retake all the ground that they had earlier lost .
12 At first , bookings will be few , then they will increase , and after the flight date the record will vanish .
13 After the success of Carrots and of The Cuckoo Clock the following year , which at once established her as a leading writer for children , she was to write prolifically , sometimes , as in the 1880s and early 1890s , completing seven books in a year .
14 Only a small proportion are caught and ringed , of course , and throughout the migration season the wardens and any visitors patrol the island , checking all the likely spots , and talking to the islanders , many of whom are interested and knowledgeable about their birds .
15 There was a miniature rocking chair , and against the end wall a single bed with a miniature canopy over it .
16 Sea swell thudded at the base of the cliffs far below , and above the wind symphony the weird crying of a seal echoed up from some hidden sea cavern .
17 It was a scene of intense bustle at the mills , with scores of children busily at work , and from the Bonsor Mill the roar of the machinery , at times , penetrated down to the village itself .
18 Today , buds were bursting on the trees and in the flower beds a show of early daffodils danced to the tune of the river breeze .
19 But in the potato channel are lumps of earth and a few stones masquerading as vegetable , and in the stone channel a few potatoes pretending to be mineral .
20 There is also a licensed bar and in the Riverview Lounge a variety of studio events , workshops and demonstrations take place .
21 There is also a licensed bar , and in the Riverview Lounge a variety of studio events , workshops and demonstrations take place .
22 Mrs Freer hissed as she passed her and in the dressing room the other models pointedly turned their backs on her , annoyed that an untrained shop girl should have been allowed to trespass in their territory .
23 and in the Park Lands a nasty man
24 More Gilbos winding machines have been added in the spinning department and in the Dye House a new office has been constructed to where the colour computer will be moved .
25 In the wild , they have their own territory and in the breeding season a pair meeting at territorial boundaries will have a mating dance .
26 In the wild , they have their own territory and in the breeding season a pair meeting at territorial boundaries will have a mating dance .
27 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
28 In Wordsworth 's poetry we find adults ‘ learning ’ from children , and in the Immortality Ode the child is addressed as
29 Die-cast metal plaques presented by ARPS and in the Volunteer Sector a cheque for £750 presented by Ian Allan Ltd .
30 The extensive network of subcontracting is one important mechanism which preserves dualism in Japan and in the process cushions the impact of market fluctuations on larger companies .
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