Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He is so particular about everything , and for that he deservedly gets terrific results .
2 For four and five she spells from the other end and for six she again spells the letters .
3 This Handbook has been designed for those who intend to become teachers of English as a Foreign Language and for those who already find themselves teaching EFL but wish to improve their formal qualifications .
4 It contains profiles of popular retirement countries such as Spain and for those who really want to get away from it all there are outlines of more exotic locations .
5 And for those who really want to get lost , there 's a maze game , Adrian Fisher 's The Art of the Maze and a travelling exhibition .
6 On the whole The taming of the text is very rewarding and stimulating reading , both for those whose allegiances are split between linguistic and literary studies , and for those who only support one of the two " camps " .
7 For one thing you ca n't be too careful these days , and for another I always manage to get stuck with the check when Connors eats with me .
8 We barely knew any numbers at all at that time , but we got away with noise and after that we fast became the second loudest group in London playing gigs at Brighton , Hastings , Birmingham , Newcastle Tadcaster .
9 I signed the papers in Manchester and after that I never seen the social worker again .
10 He sold two Rothkos and one superb Jackson Pollock to his friend Edouard de Chavigny , and after that he never looked back .
11 It was her own fault for asking , and she paid the price , pain tearing at her heart as Damian bent his head and continued making love to her until she reached a bitter-sweet ecstasy in his arms , and after that she never mentioned love again .
12 Stukeley had a strong affection for his cat ‘ Tit ’ , describing her as ‘ an uncommon creature and of all I ever know the most sensible , most loving ’ .
13 And of those who firmly intended to vote Conservative more than half of them said the major reason for giving the Tories support was that ‘ they like the local candidate ’ .
14 Purgatory , according to Roman Catholic faith , was a state of suffering after death in which the souls of those who died in venial sin , and of those who still owed some debt of temporal punishment for mortal sin , were rendered fit for heaven .
15 The ideal pitch attitude was easy to maintain , being with the top of the engine cowling just below the horizon , and like this we quickly reached the fiftyknot lift-off speed to part company with the viscous sea and curve easily away over the Solent .
16 A stock of ‘ standard ’ components will not help when an unusual item is ‘ out of stock ’ , and with these you just have to accept that you are at the mercy of the suppliers .
17 From about 1380 Master Hugh was in charge of the timber-work for New College , Oxford , and from 1387 he also worked for Bishop William of Wykeham [ q.v. ] at Highclere , Hampshire .
18 ‘ I answer , in one word , from Experience : in that , all our knowledge is founded ; and from that it ultimately derives itself . ’
19 And from this we naturally derive an account of what the meaning of a particular statement S is :
20 Sir Stephen Fox , who was Member of Parliament for Sarum and served as Lord Commissioner of the Treasury for both King Charles II and William 111 , from 1665 until his death in 1716 , bought the copyhold , in 1682 , or thereabouts , of an estate north-west of Corney House ( on the river front of Old Chiswick ) and behind the first Earl of Burlington 's mansion in Chiswick , and in 1691 he also acquired several acres on the west side of Chiswick Lane , where he sited a mansion with gardens , which he came known as Manor Farm House .
21 I therefore My Lords conclude that the Bill on this point should stand as it is and in general I strongly support my Honourable Friend the Home Secretary on the plans that he now puts before the organisation of police authorities in tackling the serious problems of law and order which we all face in this country today .
22 It was not until 1947 that he was selected by Surrey for a Championship match , and in 1948 he twice took five wickets in an innings .
23 Being signed by Hampshire as replacement for Andy Roberts just a few months after his Test debut gave him the chance to impress Clive Lloyd in county matches and in 1982 he really came good with 134 wickets , the best season 's haul since the reduction in championship matches in 1969 .
24 A minority of Tories were prepared to concede that there could be exceptions to the theory of non-resistance in extremis , and in this they admittedly came close to the doctrine of some of the more conservative Whigs .
25 All except Lord Diplock ( and in this he positively disagreed ) held that the GLC had to have regard , when making a grant , to the LTE 's obligation to run its operations so far as practicable , on a break-even basis ; so the GLC could make grants to the LTE only to make good unavoidable losses and not to further a particular social policy .
26 I think Lane was attempting to intimidate me in relation to his further questions , answers to which might otherwise be critical of the police , and in this he partly succeeded .
27 His 1932 work had been greeted with great interest and in 1958 he rightly decided that the news from ZETA merited a press conference .
28 In 1779 it was the more radical of the parliamentary reformers and in 1790 it probably told against supporters of the third effort to do away with religious tests that they tried such unconventional methods .
29 He also experimented with lighter-than-air flight : he wrote three papers on airships in the Philosophical Magazine ( February 1816–July 1817 ) of Alexander Tilloch [ q.v. ] , and in 1820 he successfully flew a model airship at Brompton .
30 On the day of the interviews I noticed that Jenny Ball was smartly dressed and in particular I also saw that she was wearing a wedding ring ; an item of jewellery that she seldom wore when I saw her in school on other days .
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