Example sentences of "and [adj] be a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And that is a G U I environment which is robust and native .
2 Also , we have something that is very unique and that is a design group that provides a design service at arm 's length to each of the operating companies .
3 And that is a matter sir which we invite you to weigh , if but only if , you come to the conclusion that these sites may have some greenbelt function .
4 Hill only half clear and that 's a goal kick .
5 But we ca n't improve it , not unless we know where the problems are , and some of the problems are caused by the , by the very nature of the business , and that 's a problem area .
6 And that 's a water set .
7 I remember once I got on to Norton because there was this I wanted to get to but I did do some shepherding there , and that was another fun , carrying , and that 's a winter job , carrying the sheep hurdling , hurdles and stakes , I worked with a gypsy , a Romany gypsy , and he could n't speak very much , and tended to sing , as if something not quite right about him .
8 That 's a ball point pen and that 's a cartridge pen
9 Sixty eight , yeah , and that 's a corner shop
10 Right , so the difference between these two , right so let's say that 's A add B and that 's A minus B and if we take that one away from this one we get two .
11 And that 's a security firm you say is it , eh ?
12 And that was a Day Centre .
13 Quinn knew already , and that was a saving grace because he had time to prepare an answer in the event Zack called .
14 And er another thing we had as well , that the union had ar had er fixed for us , and that was a family doctor .
15 So do n't forget that , I think that 's more comprehensive and that was a Monday night was n't it ?
16 And this is a state school .
17 And this is a crane thing is it .
18 And this is a cover feature !
19 And this is a police force , you will remember , Mr telling you very remarkable characteristic .
20 IC3 is the delay line chip , and this is a PMOS device .
21 Mrs R. was a heavy smoker , and this was a fire hazard .
22 Many expert fishkeepers will tell you that to be successful in the hobby you must first and foremost be a water manager .
23 One gift that is cheap , cheerful and charming is a window bird-feeder .
24 Right , right but the two's company and three 's a crowd idea is that if you 've got er two people , they , they may have er some libidinal interest in each other and they may have a couple , but a third person is , is just a complication .
25 You had to eat yourself , of course , so there was a s You 'd run up to the hotel in called the Hotel and opposite was a family butcher and he used to sell dripping and bread .
26 In the idealised world of childhood , to which I was trying to get or get back , neither death nor sexuality existed except as unwarranted intrusions , and all was a paradisal oneness , where to be individual and autonomous meant the same as to be accepted and understood .
27 Understandably they have warned us that this generosity can not continue and 1987 is a crisis year .
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