Example sentences of "and [adj] be [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This means he will get the backing of the crowd for 90 minutes and that is invaluable at Old Trafford where , if you do n't score after 20 minutes , things can go quiet and even the boldest of players can become intimidated .
2 Now all policies are fully underwritten by a Department of Trade approved insurer and that is compulsory on this line of business , so should the should the company go erm into liquidation then the insurance company will take over the handling of those claims erm so that really does n't apply any more .
3 A major part of the reform of the CAP is focused on rural development , and that is important for less-favoured areas where there are smaller farms .
4 None of us are lock in to this P I and production phases , we will not be locked in until we sign the memorandum of understanding for those phases and that is scheduled for nineteen ninety five .
5 And that 's solid for forty feet up .
6 And that 's true of most of the forms you 're going to get , that there 's certainly more than way of using them .
7 He wants to be part , you know , influence that decision , and that 's important to all of us is n't it ?
8 Second Language for Business units in French , German , Italian , Russian and Spanish are available at three levels ( beginners , intermediate and advanced ) .
9 Vitamins and minerals often work together in this respect , and some are necessary for normal energy production , the use of protein in growth and tissue repair , and in many other functions , ranging from hormone production to effects on skin quality .
10 That is , and this is equal to in our example .
11 While battery technology certainly needs to be improved , and this is ongoing by many developers , the batteries available commercially today together with careful design of the vehicle will provide a range that will meet the requirements of the majority of commuters in Los Angeles .
12 Luminal bile salts inhibit terminal ileal motility and this is independent of PYY release .
13 And this is true of all training in the arts because nobody — no tutor , no establishment , however excellent , can finally lay down rules .
14 Another agreed : ‘ I found that when the canvassers come to the door , and this is true of all parties I think , on the whole they feel embarrassed if a disabled person goes to the door and they always ask for my husband . ’
15 And this is true of all actions : every action is caused by some combination of belief and desire .
16 And in a way , what they then have to be prepared for is people who are living into adult life because health for children is better — and this is true of many parts of the world , not only Latin America , but also Africa — and you 're going to have to find more jobs .
17 Third - and this is true of any chamber music it takes only one indifferent member of an ensemble to weaken the effect of a whole performance .
18 Admittedly , there is a general difference in body-build and size between men and women , and this is analogous to sexual dimorphism in the simians , but man 's most distinctive secondary sexual characteristics are quite unlike anything found in the gorilla or chimpanzee .
19 The reason vitamin D was regarded as a vitamin is because it is found in our food , and this is important for those who do not receive adequate exposure to sunlight — for example , the house-bound elderly .
20 Erm because there 's your angle , there 's that , and this is opposite over adjacent .
21 But what we need to demonstrate is that the context can acquire modulatory properties even in the absence of explicit training — we are seeking to explain the context-specificity shown by latent inhibition and this is evident without any form of initial discrimination training .
22 An action duly brought against a firm is an effective action against all those who were partners at the date the cause of action accrued ( and so , for example , an order for discovery will be in essence an order for discovery against all those persons ) , and this is irrespective of subsequent changes in the composition of the firm .
23 I admit to feeling a little dubious regarding the adequacy of these small filtration units and this was well-founded in some respects as I discovered that although the two models are described as 35 and 55 gallon capacity no mention is made in the advertising that this refers to US gallons not Imperial .
24 The Judge held the air of someone very world-weary , and this was accurate to some extent , as he had just re-read the case notes , and sensed today was going to be another long day .
25 For instance erm we reduced , and this was common to all groups , we reduced the amount provided for in-service training for teachers .
26 Most consultants viewed management budgeting with suspicion , as a vehicle for cutting their budgets , and few were interested in time-consuming management posts ( Harrison et al.
27 On the other hand , sentences I and 2 are impervious to such contextual effects .
28 General SVQs at levels II and III are available in each of the five occupational areas listed above .
29 ( 3 ) Journals and periodicals often publish articles on foreign markets , and these are available at some libraries ,
30 There is a wide choice of designs and motifs and these are available in black or white and gold glitter/black .
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