Example sentences of "and [adj] [coord] [verb] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Julian Le Bas Landscapes Bede Gallery , Springwell Park , Jarrow , until March 20 I AM delighted to discover that Newcastle Polytechnic 's long-time art historian Alf Corlett is alive and well and living in well-earned retirement in East Sussex , where he has been on the look-out as a talent spotter for the Bede Gallery .
2 This neatly explains why the curriculum proposals appear so simplistic and old-fashioned and constructed in apparent disregard of the professional approach of teachers , inspectors and academics , for they read the sequence in a forwards direction , each step being derived logically from the one before .
3 These buds become enlarged and folded or invaginated in various ways , sometimes forming pocket.like sacs , or peripodial cavities ( Fig. 32 ) , from the bottom of which the thickened portion of the bud ultimately becomes evaginated .
4 A serum was taken from every participant at the surveys in 1969 and 1978 and placed in deep frozen storage ( -30°C ) .
5 Boswell does not say which of them raised the question of biography , and somewhat out of context he leads into a comment from Johnson : ‘ Nobody can write the life of a man , but those who have eat and drunk and lived in social intercourse with him . ’
6 Taking a patronizing look at the newcomers , all aged only between seventeen and twenty and dressed in little check practice outfits , they decided that they looked childish and immediately nicknamed them the Tiller Babes .
7 In an adjacent glass case is an 8-foot length of preserved intestine , luridly green and red and covered in prominent blood vessels , which acts as an Enchanted Rope .
8 Restaurants : Dutch cuisine is rich and creamy and comes in large portions ; pork does not dominate as it does in West Germany .
9 By 10am , the potatoes have been boiled and roasted and stored in insulated containers .
10 He was strong and wise and believed in exact and precise forms of justice . ’
11 Inside it is comfortable and attractive and decorated in traditional English fabrics , with an open fire and oak beams contributing to the fresh country mood .
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