Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun pl] that had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the famine of 1921–2 , a sudden alteration in the agricultural setting deeply affected , not just the local peasantry , but all the other provinces of European Russia and the very basis of the economic and political calculations that had led to the introduction of the NEP in the first place .
2 There were people everywhere , swarming on the harbourside to watch the brightly lit and decorated boats that had appeared from nowhere and the rockets soaring into the warm night air .
3 Visiting local bookshops at random , I came across more and more books that had come from libraries .
4 For recently the random eruptions and scattered pustules that had decked my chin and brows for the past year had begun to mass , forming formidably ugly scarps and weeping lesions .
5 In the car , on the homeward journey , Cassie found herself reflecting , as she glanced covertly at his profile and at the thin hands lightly gripping the steering wheel … those same brown and capable hands that had figured so prominently in her earlier fantasies … that he would make the perfect lover , if it were n't for his apparent indifference to women ; and perhaps , also , to having sex ; although this last was only an assumption .
6 The political and ideological factors that had led to popular support for and involvement in the inter-imperialist war of 1914–18 and the anti-fascist war of 1939–45 could no longer be used to justify the use of means of warfare which , it became clear , not only involved disproportionate suffering but endangered the future of humanity .
7 But now all those Arab and Western powers that had invested such hopes in the plan will find it hard to sustain even a pretence that it remains a realistic proposal .
8 But now all those Arab and Western powers that had invested such hopes in the plan will find it hard to sustain even a pretence that it remains a realistic proposal .
9 From the beginning of their history , the amphibians were hunters , preying on the worms , insects and other invertebrates that had preceded them on to the land .
10 The European Community and America need to resume the GATT talks at once , patch up their quarrel over farm trade , and conclude the agreements on services and other issues that had seemed within reach when the talks were suspended .
11 The night before , Kalchu and Sigarup went to the shrine , lit the oil lamp and tied two strips of new cloth — one red , one white — on to the rafters among the hundreds of old and blackened ones that had gathered there over the years .
12 She had n't been a patient for over twenty years , since she 'd had the barrage of undignified tests and minor operations that had led to nothing but disappointment .
13 This countered the tendency towards antagonism between presidential advisers and departmental secretaries that had weakened other administrations , and it also reduced the chances of cabinet members ‘ going native ’ .
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