Example sentences of "and [adj] [is] just [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We are 17th and that is just not good enough .
2 ‘ Some players threw in the towel , and that is just not acceptable . ’
3 A university is after all fundamentally an academic institution , world famous universities of course have all sorts of other attributes er for example , er theatres er as well as er sports grounds and that is just as true in this country as it is for example in the United States or Australia or even in the non-English speaking world .
4 because the kitchen was n't large enough and er , and the two plugs in the kitchen as well and that 's just not good enough
5 And that 's just like human beings .
6 the r reactions on Halcyon , of those reactions thirteen hundred , there were thirteen hundred relate to deaths of the users , and that 's just too high a price to pay .
7 A and that 's just as dangerous
8 ‘ But if Medoc does summon Crom Croich , ’ said another soldier , ‘ he 'll send out the Conablaiche to tear people 's hearts from their bodies , and that 's just as bad as the Erl-King . ’
9 ‘ The girls are doing their bit here and that 's just as important as going in the WAAFs or the WRNS .
10 Language comes alive when our creative writings are intended for real readers , genuinely interested in what we have to say , responding in speech or writing to our failures and successes , and this is just as important for young children as for students in higher education .
11 Philosophy 's business is with argument , and its theses , assuming that this is its endeavour ( which is arguable ) , generate yet more argument , such that issues are never finally settled , and this is just as true for its ideas about the scientific method .
12 In this case , therefore , Burns 's idea of treating differences of status built on it as idle and artificial is just as appropriate as it is in the case of class .
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