Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But you will find plenty of kindling and dry wood down on the beach .
2 That these movements were still essentially Atlantic in their orientation , is shown by the great accumulations of syn-orogenic and post-orogenic sediments down through the Appalachian belt of the United States .
3 Not only did he have to keep wafting a smoke machine to create that distinctive curry house fug , and smoking cigarettes down to the level of the previous scene ; he also had to keep up a steady supply of fresh poppadums .
4 The myth of happy and contented animals down on the farm is now far from the truth .
5 Then space–time outside the parent body as it collapses to a point is described by the Schwarzschild metric : this region includes all space–time outside the horizon and all spacetime down to the surface of the parent body inside the horizon .
6 The evolution of integrated circuit technology has been such that you 've been progressively able to put more and more transistors down on a single integrated circuit , and so a microprocessor has got more and more powerful with the passage of time .
7 The next afternoon , Matilda managed to get a rather sooty and grumpy parrot down from the chimney and out of the house without being seen .
8 Then Mellor carted his wife and young sons down to the Halls ' home in Upper Beeding , Sussex , for a stage-managed ‘ happy families ’ photo-call .
9 Mrs Thrigg plumped the coffee and home-made biscuits down on the low table beside the sofa in Mrs Baggley 's drawing-room and stumped out like a stage char .
10 It is a remarkably piscatory street — a choice of three fish-and-chip shops , a jellied eel bar and an excellent wet fish shop that smokes everything from conger eel and whole salmon down to the humble sprat .
11 In this way their organisational structures reflected and incorporated the shifting focus of trade union activity from national , regional and local interests down to the plant ( Albeda , 1977 ) .
12 In this way their organisational structures reflected and incorporated the shifting focus of trade union activity from national , regional and local interests down to the plant ( Albeda , 1977 ) .
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