Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [noun pl] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The existence of large and mobile capital flows makes it extremely difficult for national governments to overcome market pressure and maintain an exchange rate which is not compatible with general market sentiment .
2 Tinted glass filtered the bright morning sunlight and powered swivel shutters excluded it at will .
3 ‘ If DJs gave either side enough spins and all curry eaters bought it , I believe I could really hit the big time , ’ said Peter , who lives in Bargoed , Mid-Glamorgan .
4 If speed is of the essence — and all marketing surveys say it is — then the microwave is the manufacturers ' version of the licence to print money .
5 In the early months of the BEA , these conservative attitudes remained strong ( though experimental work on higher voltage transmission was continued ) , and many CEB men felt it would be best to break the Grid up into three to meet the future demands they were expecting , rather than to raise the voltages and maintain a national system .
6 The Institute should be sponsoring its own research in this area and encouraging UK companies to try it for themselves .
7 Our teens and 20s are the best years of our hair 's life ; colour is at its most vibrant and abundant scalp oils keep it shiny and conditioned .
8 Doctors and other health experts consider it wise to safeguard infants by giving supplementary vitamins .
9 No matter how much writers protest , non-writers seem to like the idea that writing is easy , not the arduous manual , emotional and intellectual labour writers know it to be .
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