Example sentences of "and [verb] her [coord] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
2 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
3 All these people were smacking her on the back , and touching her and congratulating her , and expressing surprise and delight .
4 He put out his arms and caught her and held her , and they stood there on the gravel path in the grounds of Hilderbridge General Hospital , embraced as if they had long been lovers and had known each other with profound emotion and physical joy and had been parted only to meet again now , by chance , so felicitously .
5 And afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down , of wanting him to hold her and kiss her and pet her like a little girl .
6 He shivered , wanting to go down to her , to stroke her and hold her and thank her , but what he wanted was n't somehow right .
7 I thought you might go and see her and ask her if she can help .
8 In fact , looking back , I ca n't think of anyone who ever understood her , except you , and I wish you would come and see her and take her out of herself .
9 All I have to do is go and see her and say I want to know see each one ticked .
10 I treated her rotten whilst I was studying like I would n't take time off studying to go and see her or phone her when I saw her as often as I could , every weekend
11 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
12 Go and wake her and tell her you know .
13 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
14 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
15 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
16 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
17 I will embrace her and caress her and possess her . ’
18 Put her in a hole and stoned her and covered her up with earth before she was dead .
19 They went up to her and calmed her and helped her to bed .
20 You know it might land on her her bed , see if it landed on our bed at least you can chuck the blankets off and protect her and take her out of the room , but when she 's in her own bedroom in a single bed you ca n't , you ca n't do things like that .
21 ‘ You just wanted to put your arms round her and hug her and tell her everything would be all right , that we would find her mummy soon .
22 He could easily forget her , although he had pulled her hair and teased her and kissed her ( had he kissed her ? ) and played Battleships with her .
23 And the water hammered down , and washed her and washed her , and why was it taking so long to make her clean ?
24 I went and sat by her bed and held her hand and let her cry and forgave her and defended her with Daddy and Minny .
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