Example sentences of "and [verb] about [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 To complete the idyllic farmyard scene , chickens , a mixture of varieties , strut and scratch about the driveway and the fields .
2 His face was discoloured and swollen about the eyes and a plaster was spread across his forehead .
3 Then we could go home and explain about the envelope and get a fresh one .
4 She says we went on a bus tour and learnt about the architecture and colleges .
5 ‘ We used Johnny Dankworth 's songs as well and talked about the play and about acting .
6 ‘ I went to Co Tyrone , my mother 's county , with the cup all day and then came home and sat at the fire with my wife and talked about the hotel and what had gone on that day . ’
7 On a more subjective level social isolation may also refer to feelings of loneliness and concerns about the quality and quantity of social contacts .
8 If the acquirer 's solicitors are to prepare the agreement , it is very important that they are fully informed as to the acquirer 's aims and concerns about the acquisition and its assessment of its bargaining position and that they discuss the draft with the acquirer before it is released to the seller .
9 His wallet was stolen and he was dragged to the ground and kicked about the head and body before a passing motorist stopped to give assistance .
10 Fenella looked at Floy and remembered about the Robemaker and the way he had captured Nuadu and rendered them all helpless , and about the exiled Court and the sidh and the Tree Spirits that Miach had almost awoken , and which might turn out not to be friends , but enemies .
11 This will be used to learn more about how the British public use and feel about the telephone and , hence , about the acceptability of telephone interviewing .
12 Meanwhile , he moons around Wales and seeks out what company he can , entertaining his listeners with an unstoppable flow of anecdote and comment about the foibles and farragoes of the climbing world .
13 Talk over the way you feel with your husband ; imagine what life would be like with another child and think about the advantages and disadvantages .
14 Well I reckon if we practise a lot during the holidays if you play with the pennies and things and think about the spellings and try you know you do n't have to read through the whole dictionary just learn some
15 He rode beside you in the street car and complained about the traffic and the weather with you .
16 They experience the length and pattern of the working day , and learn about the procedures and techniques related to particular jobs .
17 A FARMER has launched a campaign to make children ‘ think green ’ and learn about the countryside and environment .
18 The reason why I joined the original class was that I had become intrigued by what I had heard and read about the Technique and I thought it might help prevent a second hip operation .
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